Get #MichaelSchumacher's book "Too Much Sea for Their Decks: Shipwrecks of Minnesota's North Shore and Isle Royale," from UMinnPress!,the%20frigid%20waters%20of%20Lake
An excellent conversation with #MichaelSchumacher, talking to us today about his latest book "Too Much Sea for Their Decks: Shipwrecks of Minnesota's North Shore and Isle Royale" from University of Minnesota Press! #Spotlight Interview!
On today's (8/14) show - Ed Sheeran saves us! A thread worth following. The Republican Party of Minnesota is a mess. Defend the schools! Bye-bye, Shutterfly! Dumb criminals. Dean changes his tactic. #MichaelSchumacher on his book about shipwrecks!
Guarda - Cavalli magici e pony che volano in aria, vedi Cavalli magici #cavalli #agricoltore @YouTube
#6luglio #michaelschumacher
#cavalli #agricoltore #6luglio #michaelschumacher
Disgraced magazine editor on the AI generated Michael Schumacher interview
Anne Hoffmann was sacked from the German magazine Die Aktuell after she used AI to generate a fraudulent interview with Michael Schumacher. We have an exclusive interview.
#michaelschumacher #dieaktuelle #dieaktuellesituation #News #satire #chatgpt
#michaelschumacher #dieaktuelle #dieaktuellesituation #News #satire #chatgpt
Zum erfundenen und mit Hilfe von einem #Chatbot verfassten *Exklusiv*-Interview mit dem zum Pflegefall gewordenen #MichaelSchumacher sage ich: Das ist #Journalismus aus der und für die Mülltonne. Null Ethik, null Professionalität.
Dass die verantwortliche #dieaktuelle-Chefredaktorin ihren Sessel räumen musste, ist wohl das Minimum.
Wer in den #Medien arbeitet, sollte dem Phänomen Chatbot und #KI ganz sicher nicht kritiklos und technikbegeistert begegnen. Sondern mit begründeter Skepsis.
#chatbot #michaelschumacher #journalismus #dieaktuelle #medien #ki
German editor fired over AI-created Schumacher 'interview'
#MichaelSchumacher #AnneHoffmann #tabloid #F1 #AI #Artificialintellegence #DieAktuelle
#dieaktuelle #artificialintellegence #ai #f1 #tabloid #annehoffmann #michaelschumacher
La falsa intervista a #Schumacher riprodotta con l’intelligenza artificiale
La famiglia del pilota tedesco ha già promesso che porterà la rivista in tribunale dopo che ha pubblicato un’intervista realizzata con l’Ai a #MichaelSchumacher, l’ex pilota di #Formula1 che ha subito il tragico incidente nel 2013
20-4-2023 15:26 #Domani
#schumacher #michaelschumacher #formula1 #domani
Michael Schumacher’s family to pursue legal action over AI interview - The rapid development of AI is undoubtedly causing headaches for ... - #michaelschumacher #thefirstinterview #dieaktuelle #legalaction #formulaone #frontcover #kanyewest #magazine #drake
#drake #magazine #kanyewest #frontcover #formulaone #legalaction #dieaktuelle #thefirstinterview #michaelschumacher
"The Ferrari great has not been seen in public since he suffered a serious brain injury in a skiing accident on a family holiday in the French Alps in December 2013.Since Schumacher’s accident, his family has guarded his privacy, with access limited to those closest to him and little information given about his condition."
Schumacher family planning legal action over #AI ‘interview’ with F1 great | #MichaelSchumacher #AILaw | The Guardian
GremFerrari (Grem and Michael Schumacher Ferrari) from Cars is the sweetest ship. Obviously. 😋😋😋😋😋😋😋😋 #Cars #Pixar #Grem #JoeMantegna #MichaelSchumacherFerrari #MichaelSchumacher
#cars #pixar #GREM #joemantegna #michaelschumacherferrari #michaelschumacher
#gianniagnelli #agnelli #avvocato #fiat #michaelschumacher #schumacher #msc #piste #nascadoro #goldennostril #leggendario #legendary #racingmemes #acavalmaldonadononsiguardainbocca
#GianniAgnelli #agnelli #avvocato #fiat #michaelschumacher #schumacher #msc #piste #nascadoro #goldennostril #leggendario #legendary #racingmemes #acavalmaldonadononsiguardainbocca
If #DavidFoster were the #GreatestOfAllTime when it comes to music, then #MichaelJordan is the #GreatestOfAllTime when it comes to basketball and #MichaelSchumacher is the #GreatestOfAllTime when it comes to auto racing. But when it comes to soccer, Messi as well as the late Pele and Diego Maradona were the #GreatestOfAllTime indeed 👌 #anoldschoolkid #justmytwocents
#davidfoster #greatestofalltime #michaeljordan #michaelschumacher #anoldschoolkid #justmytwocents
If I was Michael Schumacher I would want killing. It would be a nightmare beyond belief to be in a vegetative or partly vegetative state, conscious of my surroundings but unable to do anything and with no real prospect of recovery.
#michaelschumacher #coma #euthanasia
Today is Michael Schumacher’s 54th birthday. May this be a good day, an enjoyable day, for him and for his family; may his health always be improving.
#michaelschumacher #f1 #formulaone
#michaelschumacher #f1 #formulaone
#MaxVerstappen and #RedBull have no honor.
... and Christian Horner blathers about "team", and other nonsense.
They're all transparent narcissists, they don't realize how obvious it is. Helmut Marko's Cult of Max, what a deranged organization: they worship Max, and Max takes it to the next level. Real DSM 5 stuff on display to the whole world.
#ChecoPerez has raced #LewisHamilton wheel to wheel 50x more than Max has, and for Max's benefit. He wouldn't be WDC without him. #MichaelSchumacher helped his teammates out, as has Lewis. Full on NPD.
#MaxVerstappen #redbull #checoperez #lewishamilton #michaelschumacher #brazilgp #f1
Michael Schumacher piange quando sente la voce dei suoi figli o vede il panorama dalla sua casa #michaelschumacher #5agosto
Gran Premio di Francia, tutto quello che c'è da sapere su una gara storica | GQ Italia #Formula1 #MichaelSchumacher #23luglio
#23luglio #michaelschumacher #formula1 #x27
Michael Schumacher, la sua Porsche Carrera segreta è in vendita | GQ Italia #MichaelSchumacher #Ferrari #Porsche #25giugno
#25giugno #porsche #ferrari #michaelschumacher
Gran Premio di Monaco 2022: date, orari e come vederlo in diretta | GQ Italia #Recommends #stagionediFormula1 #CharlesLeclerc #MaxVerstappen #AyrtonSenna #MichaelSchumacher #LewisHamilton #granpremio #Formula1 #monaco #27maggio
#27Maggio #monaco #formula1 #granpremio #lewishamilton #michaelschumacher #AyrtonSenna #MaxVerstappen #CharlesLeclerc #stagionediFormula1 #recommends