34 years ago today:
The New Alfred Hitchcock Presents
S4E19: Reunion
Seven Vietnam veterans gather annually to recall their leader's death.
Airdate: 1989-07-15
#TheNewAlfredHitchcockPresents #AlfredHitchcock #USANetwork #NBC #JohnWood #MichaelSloan #tvshows
#thenewalfredhitchcockpresents #alfredhitchcock #usanetwork #nbc #johnwood #michaelsloan #tvshows
#KungFuTheLegendContinues 54 (1995) - 9/10
Fun haunted house episode.
1️⃣ Written by #MichaelSloan (#TheHardyBoys, #TheEqualizer), directed by #JonCassar (#TheOrville). First appearance for #SandeyGrinn as TJ.
2️⃣ This is such an unusual and unique show. It’s a sequel to a martial arts western, but it’s a modern cop show with strong fantasy elements.
3️⃣ This particular story casually incorporates ghosts and time travel! And they take all of it seriously. It shouldn’t work, but it does. In spades.
#kungfuthelegendcontinues #michaelsloan #thehardyboys #theequalizer #joncassar #theorville #sandeygrinn