Die 80er – aber in cool und mysteriös: Der Seriensmash-Hit „Stranger Things“ hat nicht nur Kate Bush zu einem Charterfolg verholfen. Auch die Komponisten der Titelmusik Kyle Dixon und Michael Stein konnten nach dem Erfolg ihre Tagesjobs kündigen.
#DerSongDesTages #KyleDixon #MichaelStein #Popfilter #Serienmusik #SongDesTages #StrangerThings #PopfilterDerSongDesTages
#dersongdestages #kyledixon #michaelstein #popfilter #serienmusik #songdestages #strangerthings #popfilterdersongdestages
🔊 #NowPlaying on KEXP's #MorningShow
Kyle Dixon & Michael Stein:
🎵 Stranger Things
#nowplaying #morningshow #kyledixon #michaelstein
New Year, new cover art for the shows.
#KyleDixon #MichaelStein
#glo #KaitlynAureliaSmith #monochromeecho #friendsoftheoval #slowattackensemble #jonathanfitoussi #twilightsequence #c418 #dratmo #turnonthesunlight #thesoullessparty #thegreenkingdom #Polypores #kyledixon #michaelstein #taddmullinix #CurvedLight #normchambers #davidrothbaum #TheMetamorph #JohnnyWoods #auragaze #xyr #wealdham #paulwilliams
My "Kids" cover is out now on YouTube! Get some #StrangerThings vibes and give it a listen!
#music #kids #kyledixon #michaelstein #epic #rock #synthwave #cover #newrelease #newmusic
#newmusic #newrelease #cover #synthwave #rock #epic #michaelstein #kyledixon #kids #music #strangerthings
I have not finished season 4 of #strangerthings yet, but one tune from the 1st season is still stuck in my mind. I decided to make a vocal cover of it and tried to push it a little into the hybrid #epic direction.
The premiere starts on YouTube at 5 pm tomorrow (UTC, 18:00 Uhr Deutschland)! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jfi_zDvat2U
#kids #rock #synthwave #music #michaelstein #kyledixon #epic #strangerthings