Discussing #MichaelTalbot
The #Holographic Universe
UK 2023 February 16th
Discussing: Michael Talbot - Part 1 Complete- Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe - Thinking Allowed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rgYz_BU2Ew&t=565s
Link https://perceptionstoday.wixsite.com/perceptions-today/events
Discussing #MichaelTalbot
The #Holographic Universe
UK 2023 February 15th 1900
Michael Talbot - Part 1 Complete- Synchronicity and the Holographic Universe - Thinking Allowed https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=6rgYz_BU2Ew&t=565s
Young Disciples // #YoungDisciples //
Freedom Suite: (I) Freedom/ (II) Wanting / (III) To Be Free
[album Road to Freedom, 1991]
//via // #TalkinLoud //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #YoungDisciples #RoadtoFreedom #FreedomSuite #Freedom #Wanting #ToBeFree #CarleenAnderson #FemiWilliams #MarcoNelson #MichaelTalbot #IGCulture #Demus
link youtube: https://youtu.be/pRyF86fdGEw
#youngdisciples #talkinloud #brandunbrand #youtube #music #roadtofreedom #freedomsuite #freedom #wanting #tobefree #carleenanderson #femiwilliams #marconelson #michaeltalbot #igculture #demus
Young Disciples // #YoungDisciples //
Freedom Suite: (I) Freedom/ (II) Wanting / (III) To Be Free
[album Road to Freedom, 1991]
//via // #TalkinLoud //
#brandunbrand #youtube #music #YoungDisciples #RoadtoFreedom #FreedomSuite #Freedom #Wanting #ToBeFree #CarleenAnderson #FemiWilliams #MarcoNelson #MichaelTalbot #IGCulture #Demus
link youtube: https://youtu.be/pRyF86fdGEw
#youngdisciples #talkinloud #brandunbrand #youtube #music #roadtofreedom #freedomsuite #freedom #wanting #tobefree #carleenanderson #femiwilliams #marconelson #michaeltalbot #igculture #demus