After a hugely successful run at the #KennedyCenter, #MontyPythonsSpamalot will get a revival on #Broadway with #MichaelUrie, #JamesMonroeIglehart, #LeslieRodriguezKritzer, #JimmySmagula and #NikWalker reprising their roles. #EthanSlater and #ChristopherFitzgerald will join the cast, and #JoshRhodes will return as director. Check out our review of the Kennedy Center production.
#kennedycenter #montypythonsspamalot #broadway #michaelurie #jamesmonroeiglehart #leslierodriguezkritzer #jimmysmagula #nikwalker #ethanslater #christopherfitzgerald #joshrhodes
The season 1 finale of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Closure” (S1, E10)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Moving Forward” (s1e9)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Boop” (s1e8)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Apology Tour” (s1e7)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Imposter Syndrome” (s1e6)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Woof” (s1e5)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Potatoes” (s1e4)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
A new episode of #Shrinking is out now on #AppleTVPlus.
“Fifteen Minutes” (s1e3)
The comedy series stars #JasonSegel, #HarrisonFord, #ChristaMiller, #JessicaWilliams, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie & #LukitaMaxwell.
#lukitamaxwell #luketennie #michaelurie #jessicawilliams #christamiller #harrisonford #JasonSegel #appletvplus #shrinking
In der witzigen wie ergreifenden Feelgood-Comedy #Shrinking wirft ein Psychiater nach dem Tod seiner Frau alle Regeln seines Berufs über Bord - "Ugly Betty"-Star #MichaelUrie spielt den schwulen besten Freund #AppleTV
#shrinking #michaelurie #appletv
#Interview Wir sprachen mit dem schwulen US-Schauspieler #MichaelUrie über seine Rolle in der neuen #AppleTV-Serie #Shrinking, seinen Karriere-Durchbruch als Klischee-Husche in #UglyBetty und den Sex-Appeal von #HarrisonFord
#interview #michaelurie #appletv #shrinking #uglybetty #harrisonford
#AppleTVPlus hosted a premiere for #Shrinking last night in LA.
Star & co-creator #JasonSegel, stars #HarrisonFord, #JessicaWilliams, #ChristaMiller, #LukitaMaxwell, #MichaelUrie, #LukeTennie, co-creators #BillLawrence, #BrettGoldstein & more attended the red carpet event.
The first 2 episodes are now streaming on Apple TV+.
#brettgoldstein #billlawrence #luketennie #michaelurie #lukitamaxwell #christamiller #jessicawilliams #harrisonford #JasonSegel #shrinking #appletvplus