Hi, I'm new here, as you all? Try to train my english for better self-organisation in the international space: Following the ideas of #MichailBakunin, after #AntonioGramsci and all i have lernes by #PauloFreire and #AugustoBoal and the #pedagogy and #theater of the #oppressed, ending in an #aesthetic of the oppressed
#michailbakunin #antoniogramsci #paulofreire #augustoboal #pedagogy #theater #oppressed #aesthetic
@ankebuettner da liegen vielleicht auch noch Recherchen zu ihrem Buch über #MichailBakunin?
@iteration523 @Boheme_im_Exil @kkarhan
Vielleicht gar eine #Anarchistin? Bevor #MichailBakunin gedisst wurde?