You know there's a #marketCrash looming when the #USA goes out of their way to bring #war to the world.
#USAggression #MICIMATTComplex #whyBitcoinCoin #dePopulation #populationControl #nuclearWar
#MarketCrash #usa #war #USAggression #micimattComplex #whyBitcoinCoin #depopulation #populationcontrol #nuclearwar
That time when the #mainstreamMedia and #DNC did nothing. In fact when he bombed they gave him positive press, called him "#presidential" and celebrating "the beauty of our #weapons"?
Its almost as though the #corporateMedia get $$$ from the #militaryIndustrialComplex…
…oh they do.
#Boeing #LockheedMartin #Raytheon #beautifulBombs #Syria #Iran #MICIMATTComplex #thinkTank #intelligenceAgencies #deepState #propaganda
#mainstreammedia #dnc #presidential #weapons #corporatemedia #militaryindustrialcomplex #boeing #LockheedMartin #Raytheon #beautifulBombs #syria #iran #micimattComplex #thinktank #intelligenceAgencies #deepstate #propaganda
Who are the real #pirates?
This is one of **the most** important #questions of our time. Thanks for raising this and great #prose/#poem!
#piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantillonEffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #antiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack
#pirates #questions #prose #piracy #theives #liers #CEOs #friendsOfJeffreyEpstein #bigRealEstate #trump #biden #cantilloneffect #cantillionaires #militaryBudget #securocrats #micimattComplex #MICIMATT #townPlanning #townPlanners #corruption #democracy #AntiDemocratic #restrictTheFrame #twoParadigm #mediaHijack