Final stop back at station C6C- the only station we hit twice. Parting shot of the R/V Pelican, to be replaced by the R/V Gilbert R. Mason in a few years. Not sure if we'll get another chance to cruise with the Pelican before the change. 😥 #micrO2respir
Many of our sites were near platforms, providing some scenery and the occasional helicopter takeoff/landing for amusement. #micrO2respir
The Baker lab was crushing the coring process. Multicore, boxcore, they all core for more core. And of course, CTD cast after cast, sometimes with a full moon above us in the early morning. #micrO2respir
Posting more photos from our #micrO2respir cruise 4. We saw what looked like a Tricho bloom a little further off shore on our way to a more southern station and got samples for another #NSFfunded grant #TRoL #lagniappe
#micro2respir #nsffunded #trol #lagniappe
Busy day- multiple stations. Some action shots of @jordantcoelho @zackhenning4 new postdoc @me_microbes_and and @em_aguilarpine doin work #micrO2respir #NSFfunded
Descent into hypoxia (L->R top then L->R bottom). The lower 1/3 of the water column (~6 m) had dissolved oxygen < 0.1 µg/L. Strong DCM at the thermo/oxycline and then murkiness, and a lot of big particles visible on the video. #micrO2respir #NSFfunded
Good morning #micrO2respir cruise 4 underway. Hunting microbes in hypoxic waters. #NSFfunded
More views from the third #micrO2respir cruise we’re on. CTD ops with @zackhenning4, DIY secchi disk, night shot. #thrashlab
We've been learning a lot from footage, especially about how what we see from the camera relates to data the CTD. Also it's nice to have visual detection of particulate mass coming down (and ctenophores!). Almost marine snow. #micrO2respir #thrashlab
Preview of coming attractions! We've been taking 4K GoPro footage of most of our casts since the GOM shelf is quite shallow. There will be video on YouTube eventually, but here are some screen grabs... #micrO2respir #thrashlab #NSFfunded
#micro2respir #thrashlab #nsffunded
Station 3, starting with a nice sunrise. Deck ops with @ShelbyJBarnes1 and @zackhenning4. We managed to get a little #May4thBeWithYou in today too. #micrO2respir #NSFfunded
#may4thbewithyou #micro2respir #nsffunded
Views from the second day of cruising. All’s well. #micrO2respir #NSFfunded
We want to identify the taxa responsible for oxygen consumption and get organism-specific rates. Our colleagues in the Baker lab are coming with us this year to pick up some mud. There’s Asgards in them thar hills. #micrO2respir
We’re tracking surface and bottom water, planktonic and particle-attached microbes with redox sensor green, BONCAT, flow cytometry, cell-sorting, culturing, and multi-omics. #micrO2respir
We’re out for a second year of #NSFfunded cruises on the RV Pelican to investigate if/how the active microorganisms in the northern Gulf of Mexico change between spring and the peak of hypoxia in the summer. #micrO2respir
First station today. Baker lab all muddy, action shots of lab work. @ShelbyJBarnes1 @zackhenning4 @jordantcoelho @val_deanda @katy_appler @em_aguilarpine #micrO2respir