Structure determination of a DNA crystal by MicroED - 1.1Å Resolution, nice.
@strucbio #crystallography #MicroED #structuralBiology #Science
#crystallography #microED #structuralbiology #Science
Don't forget, #microED, and serial structural methods and #XFELs making major inroads in dynamics! It is indeed heady times in the structure community
#structuralbiology #xfels #microED
Excited to be presenting a Thermo Fisher Scientific Ask the Experts webinar 3/22/23 11am EDT with Devrim Acehan!
We'll discuss emerging methods in cryo-EM of microcrystals, as well as our collaborative work as we seek to further develop microcrystal detection and handling methods.
Register here:
#structuralbiology #crystallization #cryoem #microED #webinar
#Webinar #microED #CryoEM #Crystallization #StructuralBiology
Hi from the National High-Throughput Crystallization (HTX) Center in #Buffalo NY.
The HTX Center specializes in #crystallization 💎 for #StructuralBiology.
We are a team of 👩🏻🔬👩🏼🔬 👩🏽🔬 👩🏾🔬 and will often post #crystal images, #robot images, and updates for HTX Center users.
#Crystallography #XrayCrystallography #NeutronCrystallography #XFEL #microED
#buffalo #Crystallization #structuralbiology #crystal #robot #introduction #toot #crystallography #Xraycrystallography #NeutronCrystallography #XFEL #microED
Hi all - new to #Mastodon (fleeing the 🦃 #TwitterMigration).
I'm an Associate Investigator & #StructuralBiologist at HWI in Buffalo #NY. I direct the National High-Throughput #Crystallization Center 💎.
My group uses X-ray #crystallography, #microED, #computationalbiology, & other #biophysical tools to study #protein structure & function.
Especially interested in #metalloproteins & coupling #crystallography & #spectroscopy.
#Introduction #Science #SciComm #structuralbiology #WomeninSTEM
#womeninstem #StructuralBiology #scicomm #science #introduction #spectroscopy #metalloproteins #protein #biophysical #computationalbiology #microED #crystallography #Crystallization #ny #StructuralBiologist #twitterMigration #mastodon