|Buchwerbung| – Ob Zelten, Wandern, Klettern, Radfahren, Schwimmen, Paddeln, Surfen, Reiten, Rodeln, oder Tierbeobachtung – Abenteuer warten überall; vor der Haustür, im Park um die Ecke, im Garten, im Hinterhof oder im Wald, am See: „Kleine Outdoor-Abenteuer: Spannende Erlebnisse in der Natur“…
#Kinderbuch #Abenteuer #Ausflug #Familienausflug #Microadventures #Mikroabenteuer #Natur #Outdoor #OutdoorAbenteuer #Wochenende #Wochenendausflug #Microadventure #InderNatur
#kinderbuch #abenteuer #Ausflug #Familienausflug #microadventures #mikroabenteuer #natur #outdoor #outdoorabenteuer #wochenende #wochenendausflug #microadventure #indernatur
The perfect Sunday. What would yours be like? At last, it feels like Spring is gathering pace here. Today is mild, sunny & perfect for enjoying at the seaside☀️🍹🐚⚓#relax #fun #Adventure #BlueHealth #Staycation #Microadventures #WeekendMicroadventures #WeekendWalks
#weekendwalks #weekendmicroadventures #microadventures #staycation #bluehealth #adventure #fun #relax
@AndySheridan very local to us! We mooch around them so frequently now thanks to the #microAdventures of the local down #2k restrictions. Mad that I’ve lived in the area on and off since early 70s and it took covid to get me into those nooks and crannies 🙄 ☺️
Things I like...
#auroraborealis #spiders #handknittedjumpers #handthrownpots #alancumming #microadventures #tradeunions #tandems #activetravel #bowie #gettingcaughtintherain #pinacolada #southuist #cohanbrothers #starwarsiv #dresseswithpockets #politics #quantummechanics #glasgow #tattoos #pangolins #BlueWhales #berylcook #80selectropop #scottishtradmusic #davidtennant #countertenors
Inspired by @skrishna: name 5-7 things that interest you, but aren't in your profile, as tags so they are searchable. Then, boost this post or repeat its instructions so others know to do the same.
And as it seems to go against the positive spirit of this place to define myself by what I dislike, let's just say I have never voted for the Conservative Party and hope the UK rejoins the EU!
#urbandesign #sustainability #slowisOK #psychogeography #microadventures #folkart #audax #archaeology
"It took me all morning but I climbed to the top of a tree to get a photo of this strange forest and the tower in the distance. Maybe there's a civilization there? It's been five days since I last heard from anyone and I'm starting to get worried."
You've been camping out in the wilderness for days but you don't quite remember how you got here. One minute you were with your snow leopard buddies in the suburban and you took a short nap in the back. When you woke up, you were surrounded by oddly leafless, black trees, rocks, and assorted wildlife. Strange wildlife though, nothing that looked like earth.
The ground rumbles all around you and an impossibly large eye fills your sky.
"I found him! He's in one of my tail spots!"
I should probably continue my occasionally updated #MicroAdventures photo series on here since I'm not using birdsite anymore. Though that would actually require me going outside or remembering to take pictures of carpet fibre trees.
There needs to be a way to print mental screenshots so I can save my ideas in images. I say this because the scene of redwood sized carpet fibers is pretty great and I want to easily share what's in my head.
This is called writing, isn't it? >.>