Firing this up again, as 🐦 is quite unbearable. Expect microbiology (actinomycetes) and (marine) natural products. Plus the usual photos of locations I’m working from, what I’m listening to and championing of an equal and representative science community. I had a great time at #Microbio23 last week, needed this weekend to recover!
Firing this up again, as 🐦 is quite unbearable. Expect microbiology (actinomycetes) and (marine) natural products. Plus the usual photos of locations I’m working from, what I’m listening to and championing of an equal and representative science community. #Microbio23 last week was so great, I almost lost my voice (peppermint tea with honey to the rescue)
Firing this up again, as 🐦 is quite unbearable. Expect microbiology (actinomycetes) and (marine) natural products. Plus the usual photos of locations I’m working from, what I’m listening to and championing of an equal and representative science community. #Microbio23 in Birmingham last week was great - so great, I almost lost my voice (peppermint tea with honey to the rescue) 😂
Welcome to our new project page for @MARAf_UK, a collaboration between @imperialcollege @UK_CEH @niabgroup & @OpenUniversity and is funded by @NERCscience. We will be monitoring for azole-resistant Aspergillus fumigatus in the UK #AMR #microbio23
RT @Ingridole
While everyone out for #Microbio23, I am so happy to see our paper on many new #RdRps published by @molbioevol ! Hope you'll give it a go as it's now nicely formatted and easy to read!
#newpaper #evolution #molecularbiology #RNA #viruses @CamPathology
#microbio23 #rdrps #newpaper #Evolution #molecularbiology #RNA #viruses
RT @catmoore_1
I might know a few of the fab researchers on the slide #AMR #microbio23 @oxonandrew @glover_lshtm …you should be here (ok Copenhagen might be nicer than Birmingham 😂)
RT @PaulHoskisson
Publishing one article in a @MicrobioSoc journal generates the revenue to give grants to four #ECR members to attend our Annual conference -when do you last publish in one of our journals? #microbio23 #PublishingForTheCommunity
#ECR #microbio23 #publishingforthecommunity
RT @kate_duncan
(Senior) Lectureship jobs going at @UofGlasgow - both @DocAndy_J_Roe and @DonalWallLab are at #microbio23 if you want to find out more
RT @MicrobioSoc
Thank you for attending day one of #Microbio23! Annual Conference is only possible due to the revenue and content in our journals. Learn more about #PublishingForTheCommunity on our website:
#microbio23 #publishingforthecommunity
Attending #microbio23? Then swing by today's poster session from 4.30-5.40pm to find out about #breastcancer #microbiome with @nteng18 P224, #Bifido #Membranevesicles with Anne Jordan P242 & optimised skin #microbiome methods with @IlianaSerghiou P289. 🧬💩🤱💻📊
#microbio23 #breastcancer #microbiome #bifido #membranevesicles
RT @kate_duncan
The deadline for submitting an abstract to present at @MicrobioSoc annual conference 2023 #Microbio23 in Birmingham (4-7 April) is **tomorrow** (16 Dec 23:59)! Looking forward to @sineadccorr & I’s session on microbes & their metabolites underpinning host-microbe interactions
Excited to co-organise ‘Microbes & their metabolites underpinning host-microbe interactions’ speakers incl Marcey Balunas @balunaslab , Mônica Tallarico Pupo @monicatpupo @PupoLab, Matt Hutchings @matt_hutchings, Manuel Liebeke @mliebeke, Jens Walter, Sharon Huws @sharonhuws #Microbio23 Birmingham 17-20 April