Wow, we have received an impressive number of registrations for #Microbiology2023; the #conference is fully booked. 🎉 We look forward to welcoming you in Würzburg soon!
Wow, we have received an impressive number of registrations for #Microbiology2023; the #conference is fully booked. 🎉 We look forward to welcoming you in Würzburg soon!
Introducing #Microbiology2023 speaker Elizabeth Villa from the University of California, San Diego: She is interested in revealing the structure and function of macromolecular complexes in their natural environment at the highest possible resolution to unravel their dynamics and interactions. Register by tomorrow at!
Meet #Microbiology2023 speaker Rotem Sorek. At the Weizmann Institute of Science, he investigates the interactions between #bacteria and the viruses that infect them. He studies how these #phages attack bacteria, and how bacteria defend themselves against such attacks.
The Interacademy Conference is organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
#microbiology2023 #bacteria #phages
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Organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society & the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, #Microbiology2023 has an incredible line-up of speakers.
Mariana Gomes de Pinho from the NOVA University of Lisbon is interested in understanding the organization, as well as the temporal & spatial regulation, of the fundamental processes of cell division, cell wall synthesis & chromosome segregation.
In addition to stellar speakers, fascinating talks & posters, #Microbiology2023 attendees can enjoy a beautiful location. With its historic buildings, stunning surroundings & delicious wine, Würzburg has a lot to offer. Register now at & discover our city.
#Microbiology2023 speaker Susan Bullman studies the link between #microbes & #cancer at the Fred Hutchinson Cancer Center. She aims to unlock the molecular mechanisms behind cancer-promoting bacteria & identify targets for early detection, prevention & targeted treatment.
The Interacademy Conference is organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society & the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences. Register now at!
#microbiology2023 #microbes #cancer
🚨 Register by August 31 at!
Organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Interacademy Conference #Microbiology2023 has an incredible line-up of stellar speakers. Want to get to know them?
The goal of Andrew Goodman from Yale University is to dissect the mechanisms that commensal gut microbes use to compete, cooperate, and antagonize each other in the gut.
Let’s say hi to Karen Maxwell. At the University of Toronto, she studies the interplay of phages with their bacterial hosts, with a focus on phage-mediated bacterial virulence mechanisms & inhibitors of anti-phage bacterial defenses. Meet her & other stellar speakers at!
The Interacademy Conference #Microbiology2023 is organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.
The conference #Microbiology2023, organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society & the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, is coming to Würzburg. Register by August 31 at! Want to get to know our stellar speakers?
At the de Duve Institute, Jean-François Collet investigates how bacteria defend themselves against toxic molecules. His research will provide the knowledge required to develop new antibiotics.
📢 Register by August 31 at!
Organized by the German National Academy of Sciences Leopoldina, the Académie des sciences, the Royal Society, and the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, the Interacademy Conference #Microbiology2023 has an incredible line-up of stellar speakers. Want to get to know them?
Introducing Christine Jacobs-Wagner from Stanford University. She is interested in understanding the fundamental mechanisms & principles by which cells are able to multiply.
🚨 The deadline for abstract submission is TODAY. Don't miss the opportunity to present your research at #Microbiology2023. Register now at!
Tuberculosis resulted in circa 1.6 million deaths in 2021. The inadequacies of present therapies demand the discovery of new agents. Meet #Microbiology2023 speaker Christina Stallings. At Washington University in St. Louis, she studies the pathogenesis of Mycobacterium tuberculosis.
Let’s introduce #Microbiology2023 speaker Anat Herskovits from Tel Aviv University. She is interested in investigating how intracellular bacterial pathogens manage to survive the mammalian niche and cause infection.
Say hi to #Microbiology2023 speaker Elizabeth Hartland from the Hudson Institute of Medical Research. Her goal is to identify and characterize the function of translocated bacterial effector proteins and the role of their host targets in immunity and disease.
This is #Microbiology2023 speaker @petradersch. At the University of Münster, she studies the ways in which gastrointestinal pathogens adhere to the intestinal epithelium, penetrate it, and ultimately spread within the host and cause acute and persistent infections.
Introducing our stellar #Microbiology2023 speakers: Melanie Blokesch from EPFL Lausanne investigates Vibrio cholerae that has been responsible for many pandemics. She wants to know how the environment of the bacterium is linked to its potential to evolve into a pathogen.