leverages #technology and #compassion to help #entrepreneurs gain access to capital. At my law-firm (GDL) we started this year the #xmas tradition of gifting to clients the ability to share their goodness through Kiva cards.
I am sharing below one of my favorite Kiva projects. If u donate please comment so that I can thank you.
#technology #compassion #entrepreneurs #xmas #microcapitalism
This article is correct. I constantly run across this and the also-wrong view that all #capitalism is exploitation. Maybe we need a new word. #microcapitalism ? to convey how a marketplace of small players - like here at #Mastodon !!! - can give us more choice and a freer econ. we need agressive #smallmarket econ policy focused on #employeeownership so #smallbiz #coop and #esop can *take over* the market.
#capitalism #microcapitalism #mastodon #smallmarket #EmployeeOwnership #smallbiz #coop #esop