This Keyboard Doesn’t Work Without Game Boy Cartridges - Just when we though we’d seen it all when it comes to custom keyboards (or most of... - #microcontrollers #gameboycartridge #gameboyadvance #mischacks #keyboard #typeboy #typepak #how-to
#how #typepak #typeboy #keyboard #mischacks #gameboyadvance #gameboycartridge #microcontrollers
This Arduino Debugger Uses the CH552 - One of the things missing from the “classic” Arduino experience is debugging. That... - #microcontrollers #arduinohacks #debugging #arduino #debug
#debug #arduino #debugging #arduinohacks #microcontrollers
Cheap LCD Uses USB Serial - Browsing the Asian marketplaces online is always an experience. Sometimes, you see... - #microcontrollers #hackadaycolumns #teardown #python #ch552 #lcd
#lcd #ch552 #python #teardown #hackadaycolumns #microcontrollers
Open Deck Is Your Window to Shortcuts - Once in a while, we see projects that could easily pass for commercial products. T... - #microcontrollers #arduinohacks #carbonfiber #espp8266 #macropad #macropad
#macropad #espp8266 #carbonfiber #arduinohacks #microcontrollers
Make Use Of: The 2023 Flipper Zero Shortage Draws to a Close #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #Microcontrollers #DIY
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #microcontrollers #diy
How Small Can the ESP32 Get? - At its core, the ESP32 chip is not much more than an integrated circuit, a huge ma... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #development #challenge #devboard #esp32 #small #tiny #pcb
#pcb #tiny #small #esp32 #devboard #challenge #development #microcontroller #microcontrollers
Did anyone I know / that I’m connected with go to the inaugural event this evening? I’m curious how it was? #hardware #maker #oshw #hardwarehacking #microcontrollers
#hardware #maker #oshw #hardwarehacking #microcontrollers
Streaming Video From an ESP32 - The ESP32, while first thought to be little more than a way of adding wireless cap... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #javascript #streaming #browser #images #esp32 #video #mqtt
#mqtt #video #esp32 #images #browser #streaming #javascript #microcontroller #microcontrollers
Writing libraries to support our favorite #microcontrollers is a big task, but what if #ChatGPT could lend a hand?
#microcontrollers #chatgpt #genai #AI #iot #openai
Make Use Of: 8 Reasons to Choose the Raspberry Pi Pico Over Other Models #Tech #MakeUseOf #TechNews #IT via @morganeogerbc #Microcontrollers #RaspberryPi #DIY
#Tech #MakeUseOf #technews #it #microcontrollers #raspberrypi #diy
[Playful Technology] explains how to use various common #audio modules with #Arduino #microcontrollers to minimise issues people have had when trying using them and followed random guides on the Internet. Might be useful for Halloween projects
#audio #arduino #microcontrollers
New toys - 2 #M5Stack #M5StickC #ESP32 #Microcontrollers and a new 8 servo unit - Actually I have a bunch of the StickCs but M5 is/was selling them cheap, I think they are about to go #EOL
The servo driver is a new toy to play with, but I don't know if I need it, I got my animated eye project working pretty good with a different servo driver.
#eol #microcontrollers #esp32 #m5stickc #m5stack
We just updated our tutorials for getting started with the #Microchip MPLAB X IDE as well as the MPLAB Xpress cloud-based IDE – check them out on our site!
#microcontrollers #programming #education #STEAM #electronics #computertech
#microchip #microcontrollers #programming #education #steam #electronics #computertech
Patching Together Logic Gates - The digital world offers many advantages over its analog relatives, the use of boo... - #microcontrollers #microcontroller #digitallogic #teachingtool #educational #atmega4809 #logicgate #logic
#logic #logicgate #atmega4809 #educational #teachingtool #digitallogic #microcontroller #microcontrollers
Just revised our tutorial for cloning a GitHub project into #Microchip MPLAB Xpress:
The cloud-based MPLAB Xpress IDE enables real microcontroller programming in schools using Chromebooks.
#microchip #teaching #microcontrollers #programming #stem
¿Por qué? Porque sí, porque se puede.
Ultra-low-powered #Linux Computer running on #microcontrollers -
> A portable computer that runs on a Linux operating system can fit in your pocket. By Naveen.
UChaser Follows You Anywhere - If you’ve been making up for lost years of travel in 2023, you might have seen a f... - #microcontrollers #ultrasonic #toolhacks #esp-now #hc-sr04 #esp32
#esp32 #hc #esp #toolhacks #ultrasonic #microcontrollers
Most home #automation could be done with just radio, 8-bit #microcontrollers and relays.
I got the timings right and now threre is almost no errors :)
#xiao #microcontrollers #micropython #neopixel