#OnThisDay Mercedes-Benz was founded (1926).
Happy Birthday Bangladeshi #Economist Muhammad Yunus (1940). He received Nobel Peace Prize (2006) for founding the #GrameenBank and pioneering the concepts of #Microcredit and #Microfinance.
Happy Birthday Elon Musk (1971).
#microfinance #microcredit #GrameenBank #economist #onthisday
#Microfinance was once hailed as a miracle cure for poverty. And, done well, it can still play a role.
But the sector, like everything, is being financialized. Therefore, it is increasingly dominated by financial interests and that is having predictable, negative consequences.
Watch our mini-documentary 📺
#financialization #microcredit #alwaysawrongwaytodotherightthing
#microfinance #financialization #microcredit #alwaysawrongwaytodotherightthing
Help people. Want an easy way to do some real good in the world?#microcredit - Join me on Kiva and invest in Đào’s success in Vietnam! https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/prabhuk/for/2534669?utm_source=mobile_ios&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_checkout
Want an easy way to do some real good in the world? #microcredit #womenownedbusiness Join me on #kiva and invest in Alphonsine’s success in #rwanda https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/prabhuk/for/2519119?utm_source=mobile_ios&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_checkout
#microcredit #womenownedbusiness #kiva #rwanda
Hey, if you've had a good week, or a bad week, but you can, please consider joining me in funding this loan for Ghenadie - he's looking to bring water to his home. That's it, simple water :) https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/natalie2608/for/2508901?utm_source=social_share_link&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_bp&utm_content=natalie2608
#kiva #microfinance #microcredit #feelsgood
Hey there all, this loan needs a little bit more to fund: https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/natalie2608/for/2502384?utm_source=social_share_link&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_bp&utm_content=natalie2608
It's important to me that people have sanitary living conditions. Please consider joining me. #kiva #microfinance #microcredit #humanism
#kiva #microfinance #microcredit #humanism
RT @ttindia@twitter.com
The government will enhance its focus on providing micro-credit facility in the range of Rs 3,000-5,000 to street vendors in 2023, with the help of digital technologies, Union IT and Telecom Minister Ashwini Vaishnaw said.
A loan of $750 helps to buy 24 bags of rice. Togo. #kiva #microcredit
A loan of $1,275 helps to buy 83 fifty-kilo bags of potatoes and save up to care for her family. Burkina Faso. #kiva #microcredit
A loan of $525 helps to purchase organic supplements that will enhance the production of his coriander crops. Colombia.#kiva #microcredit
A loan of $450 helps to buy more pasta, rice and detergents. Turkey. #kiva #microcredit https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/okej/for/2500210?utm_source=social_share_link&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_bp&utm_content=okej
A loan of $1,150 helps to get a bachelor's degree in law. Georgia. #kiva #microcredit https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/okej/for/2500059?utm_source=social_share_link&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_bp&utm_content=okej
A loan of $1,850 helps to buy a shipment of 50 bicycles. Costa Rica. #kiva #microcredit
Jahresrückblick von Kiva bekommen, die 5 $ im Monat haben sich ganz schön geläppert. 🙂
#Kiva #Microcredit
On #Friendica:
›Running #Fediverse instances by for-profit #cooperative societies‹
🔗 (1) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-5963-a78a-1fdb-280674518614
🔗 (2) https://libranet.de/display/0b6b25a8-6963-a78d-48a0-6a2325471766
🏷️ #PlatformCooperative #Coop #Genossenschaft #Distributism #Mastodon #Pixelfed #ICA #InternationalCooperativeAlliance #SCE #SocietasCooperativaEuropaea #EuropeanCooperative #CooperativePrinciples #Compliance #Governance #Representation #NonProfit #ForProfit #Participation #WorkerCooperative #Surplus #Refund #Liquidity #Microcredit #Dividend
#friendica #fediverse #cooperative #platformcooperative #coop #genossenschaft #distributism #mastodon #pixelfed #ica #internationalcooperativealliance #sce #societascooperativaeuropaea #europeancooperative #cooperativeprinciples #compliance #governance #representation #nonprofit #forprofit #participation #workercooperative #surplus #refund #liquidity #microcredit #dividend
RT @Adieorg@twitter.com
C’est avec une immense tristesse que l’Adie a appris le décès de sa fondatrice #MariaNowak, la banquière de l’espoir, pionnière du #microcrédit en France dont l'engagement a prouvé que même sans capital on peut #entreprendre, devenir acteur de l’économie et citoyen à part entière
#marianowak #microcredit #entreprendre
Want an easy way to do some real good in the world? Join me on #Kiva and invest in Maria Go By Lourdes’s success in United States! https://www.kiva.org/invitedby/prabhuk/for/2478902?utm_source=mobile_ios&utm_medium=referral&utm_campaign=social_share_borrower_profile #microcredit #women #womenowned #smallbusiness
#kiva #microcredit #women #womenowned #smallbusiness
Anyone interested in giving micro loans to people around the world can use my invite link for Kiva.org This will give me some Kiva credits, I can take to make a loan again.
2/2 Every book and person that criticizes #capitalism and is still saying that (another 🤮) capitalism is the answer, should be kicked of this planet!!! Nobel Price or not!
P.S. And #microcredit is a debt trap, bathing in capitalist slime!
#microcredit #yunus #capitalism