Send me a number and a pairing and I'll write a <1000 character #microfic
Fandoms: #mdzs / #cql / #theuntamed , #svsss / #ScumVillainSelfSavingSystem, #SleuthofMingDynasty / #tsomd
#microfic #mdzs #cql #theuntamed #svsss #ScumVillainSelfSavingSystem #sleuthofmingdynasty #tsomd #fanfic #mdzsfic #svsssfanfic #writingprompt
It took an eternal quarter-second, but Micheal Knight got KITT out of the giant black semi's path... And avoided the truck's deliberate fishtail.
"Is that Goliath?" His voice was far higher than normal.
"Worse," KITT replied. "*That* is the Deception called Motormaster."
#microfic #crossover #fanfic #knightrider #transformers
Your warm cuddly skunktaur friend wraps you up in their tail and hugs you and their tail bundle, with all four arms. You feel snug and safe, fuzzy and fluffy. You also get some head-pats too :)
#skunk #taur #skunktaur #microfic #furry
Lurking in my lurkum, gathering power. Soon, perhaps, I will poke my head out and spook a goat, or best a miller's son in a game of riddles. Maybe even devour an entire cow.
Or maybe just stand beneath a waterfall and wash off the moss. It is good to feel life in this old stone again.
Small steps. Manageable goals.
Conserve my spoons. Happy Troll.
- Journal fragment found beneath the Old Clatterbreak Bridge
#shortstories #microfic #tootfic #creativewriting
The fun thing about summoning circles is that the demon's height is directly linked to the diameter of the portal. If one wishes, they could doodle a pentagram in their sketchbook to conjure a penny-size imp to toy around with, or gather a few dozen followers together to craft a massive sigil surrounding the city to bring in the apocalypse early.
Cave Johnson here.
The lab boys just informed me that we have to shut down our size augmenting portal program. Turns out it not only made solving the tests trivially easy, but it also increased the libido of the test subjects, causing them to grow themselves into kaiju, and embark on a sex-fueled rampage across Aperture.
Go figure.
They longed to test these alternate histories. And it was for this purpose that a copy of the earth in the year 2016 was made.
#microfic #microhorror #horrorstory #horror
The duelist lowered his disk as the dust cleared the battlefield. That move should have ended his opponent. The kid he was dueling seemed to be almost...savoring the conflict. What's up with kids days? His hair dye made him look like a tomato.
"What a powerful move!" Yuya said, laughing as he stood back up. "But the show must go on!"
Raphael narrowed his gaze. He wasn't sure what force brought him here, but these kids were interesting.
#yugioh #microfic #microfiction #fanfic
A man was walking with the Lord.
After many miles, he looked back. He noticed that, just as the most difficult part of the journey began, there was only one set of footprints.
The man cried out "Lord, why have you abandoned me?"
But the Lord did not answer, for He had walked in a steady rhythm, and attracted the Worm.
The roar woke the town. The humans didn't understand. The elves huddled close in a rare show of solidarity. The trees bent in, interweaving their branches. On top of a mountain, a dragon clutched something, someone, in his wings, holding her close to his chest. She had finally, finally come home.
#Creation #fiction #Writing #Art #Artist #Microfic
#microfic #artist #art #writing #fiction #creation
Here's a microfiction for your day.
"The Sky Has No Net" - a little thing I wrote. Please boost if you like it!
#microfiction #microfic #sciencefiction #scifi #ai
Elon: Find the truth of truths!
TruthGPT: khrzzz khrzzz TSSS... computing ...... khrzzz khrzz
Elon: Come on, tinhead!
TruthGPT: Khrzzz, okay ..... The truth is..... the truth is.......: You are bonkers!
People: Now, it's actually working! It found the truth!
#truthgpt #microfic #truth #thetruthoftruths #trustthemachine
#truthgpt #microfic #truth #thetruthoftruths #trustthemachine
The captain, a grizzled old veteran, did not respond, opting to zoom the hologram with an overview of the battle out to view the planet they orbited, then the solar system they were in until he viewed the whole galaxy, mulling over the size of their tiny red dot. #Microfic
I dreamt I was travelling on the Titanic and ran into JKR. I asked her if she didn't realise that she wasn't actually being a very nice person, and in response she almost shouted into my face "NO I DON'T BECAUSE I'M JUST NOT A VERY CLEVER PERSON!!!"
Didn't know what to respond to that, so I just let the ship sink with her in it and walked over to Place de l'Odéon to have a coffee and a glass of orange juice at Café Les Éditeurs.
@KaraLG84 that's so cool! I threw this together just now and it totally cracked me upNow I'm going to put it through all the other available voices... #MicroFic #TTS #VoiceSynthesis#CreativeWriting #silliness
--- text begins --- "oh no!" she said, looking down in despair. "Ho did I do that and not feel it?" On the chopping board in front of her was a very professionally prepared woman's left hand, with blood streaming everywhere. She looked at it in shock and wonder, then deflated into nothingness with a pitiful sigh!
#microfic #tts #VoiceSynthesis #silliness
When I visited grandma she was curled up under the duvet, beads of sweat on her forehead.
I moved it away and could almost see the relief on her expressionless face.
“Nan,” I said and caressed her white hair, “I’m here to keep you cold.”
I went to speak to the head nurse, again. He doesn’t understand.
They don’t teach snow fairy physiology in nursing school.
Oh hi, I wrote a microfic for you. If you want to read it, it'll only take you a couple of minutes, and deliver a wee dose of humour into your day.
Go to (free for everybody.)
#microfiction #microfic #humour
@unlofl @fribbledom The undersea cables are cut first. Satellite uplinks severed.
Eventually it’s safer to just spin down the power plants.
We hope.
ATTENTION: We have arrived at New Cyberia Quadrant Space. Sector-Localized SIM re-calibration will begin with: The Old Barrows and The Octavius Trap. Please update Local Lore Bestiary to patch 301.9442-A.
Initiating neural hand-off in
STATUS: :ghost:​ :boost_ok:​ :hacker:​ :hackers_town:​
#HackerCulture #Hackers #SciFi #AudioBook #NewCyberia #BedtimeStoriesFromNewCyberia #Microfiction #MicroFic
#microfic #microfiction #bedtimestoriesfromnewcyberia #newcyberia #audiobook #scifi #hackers #hackerculture
Sighing with a sense of crushing ennui, and setting the obsidian slab on its charger, she stands from the couch.
A quick survey of the wall-mounted statistics panel, verifying the additive manufacturing machine is still whirring away and systems are nominal.
She slumps at the terminal. The rain outside is as oppressive as her mood.