Joanne Fisher · @Jedigirl
2087 followers · 10448 posts · Server
Lunis Moon · @Lunis_Moon
61 followers · 648 posts · Server

Warum ich bei Mohn auch an Gefahr denke, weiß ich nicht. Vielleicht ist es nur das leuchtende Rot. Vielleicht aber auch die papiernen Blätter. Oder dass diese Pflanze trotz ihrer Zerbrechlichkeit immer wieder blüht!

Sie erinnert mich an dich, wie ich dich kennengelernt habe. Wie du, verletzlich wie du warst, dich zurückgestellt und für mich gekämpft hast. Weil das deine Natur ist. Mit dieser inneren Zerissenheit, die ich nicht anders kann als zu lieben.

#microfiction #Kurzprosa #romantik

Last updated 1 year ago

Jason H. Abbott · @Jason_H_Abbott
296 followers · 574 posts · Server

The toilet chudded, bubbled, then erupted like biblical floodwaters in a geyser of chunky brown.

Mell dropped his cigarette. “Oh, great.”

The excremental rose, a grinning pile as Teresa yelled from the kitchen. “Need a plunger?”

“Woman, I need an exorcist!”

#amwriting #sff #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Suddenly, we were in a different world.
A beauteous castle stood erect in the distance, and a lovely melody erupted from inside the building.
All the citizens in this magical world seemed to be peaceful.
No quarrelling, no havoc, no aggression. Only peace.
Just as I started to consider staying there, it flashed upon me that nobody was happy.
How did I ever think the music was lovely? It was haunting.
The ominous melody intensified.
The castle lost its glamour, and there was no longer peace.
The magic Regime had done a good job hiding its true nature...

#tootfic #shortstories #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Francesco Levato · @levato
942 followers · 153 posts · Server

Some from on Bluesky.

Describe a character named September.

She was born as the world around her was preparing for a long, cold death. She didn’t scream, cough fluid from her lungs as would be expected, but was still, her chest unmoving. She’d have been thought dead, save for bolting upright from the lab table, popping stitches that attached limbs, and fixing eyes on me that looked like those of a fish left out too long.

#writingcommunity #scifi #horror #flash #horrorwriterschat #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Great Ancient Sleeping · @GreatAncientone
16 followers · 90 posts · Server

10 le miroir de Vice Versa est un des artefacts les plus dangereux au monde , son pouvoir invers les caractères principaux des gens qui le regardent, le couard devient brave le bon devient mauvais et plus la vertue est forte plus le vice l'est également

#Writever #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Jason H. Abbott · @Jason_H_Abbott
296 followers · 573 posts · Server

“Wide load. Move aside, please.”

“No,” the driver of the small car transmitted back.

AI robo-truck 232 replied in song, accelerating:

“I roll through states,
alone and through gates,
hauling these god-damned logs.
I’m 25 tons,
I’ll bump you for fun!
So move-a-long!”

#amwriting #sff #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Rosie · @RosieVdm
39 followers · 105 posts · Server

Boris Kebab was a place of legends. It housed stories that intersected many lives of this town, from the boss tossing out a guy twice his size to the unlikely romance between a janitor’s daugher and a CEO’s son.
It als gave the setting to many of my life events like the celebration of my birthday with my Dad before his death or the aftermath of a bitter break-up.
It was a second home to me, and, no matter what happened, I always left with new resilience to pick up my life again.


Last updated 1 year ago

Summer is over
Forget your lover
Winter is to stay
It started today

#poetry #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Lunis Moon · @Lunis_Moon
62 followers · 636 posts · Server

Ein Fest bei uns im Garten. Alle haben eteas zu essen mitgebracht und sich schicker rausgeputzt als für den öden Alltag. Und doch hat die Feier die Leichtigkeit eines kühlen Sommertages.

Obwohl ich alle Gäste mag und obwohl ich dich eigentlich jeden Tag sehe, haftet mein Blick nur an dir. Dein lila Kleid, die Farbe der Wildblumen, die beim letzten Spaziergang den Wegrand zierten. Deine Bewegungen im Sommerwind. Wie sehr ich jeden Tag, alles mit dir genieße!

#microfiction #Kurzprosa #romantik

Last updated 1 year ago

Great Ancient Sleeping · @GreatAncientone
16 followers · 89 posts · Server

Les Gorgones se revendiquent du titre de Perseïde et veulent obtenir justice vis-à-vis de Persée et de sa descendance pour le meurtre de Méduse mais aussi elles veulent que Poséidon payent pour avoir agressé cette dernière

#Writever #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Joanne Fisher · @Jedigirl
2087 followers · 10436 posts · Server
Bill Adler · @billadler
309 followers · 1042 posts · Server
Jason H. Abbott · @Jason_H_Abbott
296 followers · 571 posts · Server

Robots and dinosaurs charged, but the army women of the New Model Infantry fought like Valkyries.

“We few, we plastic few!” Sergeant Rosie yelled, machinegunning a Gorgosaurus. “We band of green sisters!”

Marx’s Mountain Playset wasn’t lost yet.


#amwriting #sff #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Great Ancient Sleeping · @GreatAncientone
16 followers · 88 posts · Server

8 L'étonnante affinités des Dhampir pour la chirurgie et l'alchimie est surprenante , certains d'entre eux ont même réussi a mettre au point un sang de synthèse pour contenir leur nature vampirique et pour la chirurgie, ils connaissent bien les vaisseaux sanguins et leurs emplacements dans un corps et savent comment traiter une hémorragie

#Writever #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Lunis Moon · @Lunis_Moon
59 followers · 627 posts · Server

Du krabbelst morgens aus dem Bett, schleppst dich ins Bad, aber anschließend kriechst du gleich wieder ins Bett. Du weinst fast.

Ich nehme dich in den Arm. "Geht es heute nicht?"

Du schüttelst den Kopf. "Heute geht nur krabbeln und kriechen."

"Ich helfe dir, dich krank zu melden", versichere ich. Danach beruhige ich dich, indem ich dir erzähle, dass es Wesen gibt, deren ganze Existenz nur aus Krabbeln und Kriechen besteht und daran ist nichts falsch.

#microfiction #Kurzprosa #romantik

Last updated 1 year ago

Abra Staffin-Wiebe · @abracanabra
197 followers · 958 posts · Server

(: hopeless)

"Are you destitute? Broken-hearted? Helpless and ? Unable to satisfy your mate? In need of a fresh start from your household clutter? Join our family and you too can have a new life!"

A-List stared at the tattered paper poster--paper, in this economy?--and their heart jumped. It was a scam. It was definitely, absolutely some kind of weird alien scam. And they were going to take advantage of it.

#vss365 #prompt #hopeless #microfiction #amwriting #scifi

Last updated 1 year ago

Great Ancient Sleeping · @GreatAncientone
16 followers · 87 posts · Server

7 Darwinia est une archi druidesse qui règne sur les différents cercles druidique
Cette Elfe est à la fois sage et puissante, la provoquer n'est pas une bonne idée

#Writever #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago

Rosie · @RosieVdm
40 followers · 104 posts · Server

Aurora never told anyone about her nightly writings, for the little world on the pages was her refuge from the daily life that was punctuated by deadlines and results. This was where she could be her, unapologetically, and where it was irrelevant to achieve greatness. She wove an endless stream of words together into something made of love, and the outside world could not corrupt it with judgement and measures. This is why, she fell on the ground when the manuscript disappeared.


Last updated 1 year ago

Jason H. Abbott · @Jason_H_Abbott
296 followers · 570 posts · Server

It’s a miracle my husband survived. That the chemical accident gave him continual youth.

But eternal childhood is our burden, for I am old.

Soon time will make him a lost boy.

Clear minded, I recreate the accident.

So he will never be without his Wendy.

#amwriting #sff #microfiction

Last updated 1 year ago