The bell of her shop door jingled. She stopped just short of the fragments of last night's work. Heat rushed to her face as her transparent wings buzzed. Alfred stood in the corner, his furry cheeks stuffed with the evidence. This would be the last time that squirrel would be allowed off his leash.
#tootfic #microfictionmonday #microfiction
Too Late to Change
Her translucent reflection rippled with the water. A dark blue choker hid the grisly braid imprinted so deeply even her soul wouldn't forget. The memories never changed from that night; for a while her feelings didn't either. But on this night, with a heavy sigh, her resolve faded.
'Maybe there was another way.'
#microfiction #microfictionmonday #tootfic
I love the reverse psychology here :blobcat_love:
#MicrofictionMonday #tootfic #MicroFiction
#microfictionmonday #tootfic #microfiction
@scrhill Not my thing, but hashtags are the way to go, so start pushing #MicroFiction or maybe hop on to #MicroFictionMonday
#microfiction #microfictionmonday
Golden leaves fall to the courtyard below. Crisp air, cool from the morning rain, fills my lungs. A bell chimes down the castle hall, and I turn to answer the summons.
#microfiction #microfictionmonday #tootfiction
A white quilt for warm woods, and long nights for tired eyes. Fires crackle and pop to keep both darkness and hunger at bay.
#tootfic #microfictionmonday #microfiction
Air, hot and dry, beats the earth without mercy. Leaves, once green and lush, have become spotted and shriveled. The messenger clutched his satchel tighter; only three more miles to go.
#tootfic #microfictionmonday #microfiction
Flowers are greeted by fluttering wings each morning and tiny feet dance over delicate petals, leaving little drops of elderberry wine behind.
#tootfic #microfictionmonday #microfiction