Today I get one of my most needed piece of equipment. I can't afford an oscilloscope - a case of not thinking it's going to get enough use to merit the expense. Thus I bought a frequency counter but as a kit. That makes it cheaper and shouldn't take me too long to solder together.
That is - if the roaming mail thieves don't get to the mailbox before I do.
Basically I want to be able to time the pulses on a pulse generator I'm going to build. Using the pulse generator and a Raspberry Pi (which will count the pulses), I'll be able to work out if the Raspberry Pi Pico is suitable to control a microflash that I plan to build.
With that microflash I should be able to do better than this pic... It's a playing card being cut in two by an airgun pellet.
#raspberrypi #raspberrypipico #electronics #microcontrollers #microflash #photography #highspeed #highspeedphotography
#raspberrypi #RaspberryPiPico #electronics #microcontrollers #microflash #photography #highspeed #highspeedphotography
#WHQCommunity #MicroflashMonday ‘Ha, what’s up, you chicken?’ Charlie & Lucas were standing outside the abandoned church, Lucas had dared him to go inside. He was trying to build up the courage when from the corner of his eye he’d seen the ghostly shape. ‘Why don’t you go first?’
RT @writers_hq
Monday's here again, and so is our weekly #Microflash challenge.
Use the prompts Courage vs Cowardice to write a teeny story of up to 249 c…
#microflash #microflashmonday #whqcommunity
Submissions open for six more hours! Get your #prose, #poetry, #art + #hybrid subs in! 🎲🎮
100 words max.
Theme: games/play/risk/chance
We ❤️ fun, playful, experimental, bold + creative
Send us what you've got!
#microflash #microfiction #flashfiction
#flashfiction #microfiction #microflash #hybrid #art #poetry #prose