1) You can choose to not install #microG at all on #CalyxOS.
2) If you chose to install microG you can activate oder deactivate its components to your liking.
List of #banks that work on #e. /e/ is an #Android fork with #microG instead of Goolgle Apps. Many of these might even work on #lineageos, which doesn't even have microG.
I found it because I got tired of not being able to pay online stuff on the street (mostly, charging my PHEV on trips). I'm forced to use the apps as 2FA which is not really '2', since I'm buying something with the same phone.
#banks #e #android #microg #lineageos
When I finish working out all the bugs (to the extent that that's possible), I plan on making a blog post about how I set it all up. I was really intimidated by the prospect of getting #MicroG on an OS where it's not natively supported, but it ended up being pretty easy.
I've made really good progress on getting the streaming box set up, though there's still a ways to go. I've been using an unofficial build of #LineageOS designed for #RaspberryPi4 and installed #MicroG and #AuroraStore on it instead of GApps. Unfortunately, Aurora Store seems a bit buggy and I came seem to find the Netflix app. I did manage to download Disney+, though the app is not currently working since my device is not "certified", hopefully I can find a workaround.
#lineageos #raspberrypi4 #microg #aurorastore
Can anyone involved with the #MicroG project comment on whether it is only "partially" open source as some claim? (https://blog.privacyguides.org/2022/04/21/grapheneos-or-calyxos/#update-frequency)
#microg #android #eos #calyxos #aosp #foss #gsf
I've had really good luck with #MicroG, but I understand that it isn't as compatible as Sandboxed GSF.
In-app purchases don't work, and I believe Uber and Lyft had some issues which may or may not be fixed by now.
Over all, to me, a 75% compatible FOSS re-implementation of GSF is preferable to a tightly locked-down 99.9% sandboxed true GSF, except for the question of the bit of stub code that MicroG supposedly downloads from Google and runs.
I'm trying to find more info on that
Und die App braucht wohl auch kein einzigen Google Service. Das Galaxy S7 läuft mit #LineageOS, #FDroid und #MicroG.
Si usas Moshidon y no te notifica ningún mensaje, esta información te puede interesar.
Hable con el desarrollador del fork de #megalodon llamado como dije #moshidon le comente mi problema y le dije que no tenía los google play services, (Pensé que venía por ahí) me respondió que efectivamente no funciona sin google play service o #microg que es lo mismo, pero #FOSS
Lamentablemente, no existe solución si tenés un celular como el mío sin GApps
Me dieron una esperanza a medias.
Están viendo de implementar unifiedPush para las notificaciones, esto es bueno, por un lado, porque resuelve el primer problema, pero unifiedPush deja una notificación permanente en la barra de notificaciones.
Solo quería informar por si alguien le sucede lo mismo,
#megalodon #moshidon #microg #foss
Danke. Hab gestern nochmal gesucht, aber ohne Wipe oder FactoryReset geht wohl keine Installation von MicroG?
@Winterstar Ja. Das verhalten war echt komisch. Die ganze #microg APP war eingefroren.
Three years ago, I was running #lineageos 16.1 with #microg. Today I am running LOS 20.0 on the same phone. No issues, no reinstalls.
It's still rocking and more will come. What a journey!
@elbflorentine Meinst du das #fp3 mit Vorgänger? #fp1 und #fp2 hatten hier wirklich einige Defizite. Das #fp3 nutze ich aber schon seit kurz nach dem Release und es läuft immer noch top. Kein Vergleich zu den ersten beiden. Keinerlei Ersatzteile bisher, sogar noch der selbe Akku. Ok, mit #lineageos und #microg, aber würde von der original Software keine großen Unterschiede erwarten. Beim #fp4 dürfte das alles ähnlich sein.
#fp4 #microg #lineageos #fp2 #fp1 #fp3
@tommy Cool! I hadn't read about #microG properly before. Thanks for that.
Silly question: how do you work out which flavour to install from https://download.lineage.microg.org/ ?
If I find myself with more bandwidth to move deeper along the #OpenSource / #DeGoogling spectrum, I'll give this a go! Currently, using #Fairphone's stock #Android, and helping test betas / file bug reports is about where I'm at I think 👍
#microg #opensource #degoogling #fairphone #android
Hat jemand eine Empfehlung für ein Tablet, das man mit einem Custom Android ROM ausstatten kann?
Ziele sind:
Ich will keine Google Services verwenden, aber die Apps sollen es nicht merken, also vermutlich Einsatz von microg
Es soll dadurch deutlich länger als 3 Jahre (ab jetzt) mit Sicherheitsupdates versorgt werden.
#microg #tablet #customrom
ich teste (und aergere) seit ein paar tagen mit g befreitem android rum.
dies ist kein philosophie thread.
ich wuensche mir:
ausgiebigeres, am liebsten vollbackup
- auf meinen server, nicht cloud
mehr moeglichkeiten mein system aktuell zu halten und zu pimpen
ich nutze:
bevorzugt, wo es geht, f-droid apps aus dem neo store
gerne auch mal was mit config file statt gui
ich brauche:
verschiedene apps die root blocken
in-app kaeufe in manchen business apps
The new MicroG has "updated" how it does location.
Major change if you tried to use entirely offline location, as I did (Using onboard gps, wifi and cell data). It now all runs through Mozilla.
#unifiednlp #microg #eos #fairphone