Little windowsill trough of lettuce provided some nice tender micro greens for last night’s dinner.
#Gardening #BalconyGardening #ContainerGardening #UrbanGardening #Microgreens #lettuce
#gardening #balconygardening #containergardening #urbangardening #microgreens #lettuce
How to Grow Your Own Food – With or Without a Garden
There’s no such thing as an effortless crop, but plenty that are pretty foolproof – even if you have just a windowsill or room for a few pots.
by Alys Fowler
"If you only have a windowsill
"The Lilliputian world of #microgreens offers those with the smallest of spaces the opportunity to grow some crops with flavour as well as vitamins and other nutrients. Microgreens are merely seedlings harvested when they are no more than 10cm or so high and grown so close together that they resemble a small forest. You don’t need proper pots or a seed tray: a yoghurt tub or a takeaway container will do, as long as you punch holes for drainage. Microgreens are a one-hit wonder, however – each cut is the end of life for the seedling – so you will need to re-sow every two weeks or so. When buying seeds, check the packages and hunt for those with the most inside.
"The entry level into this world, which is vast and runs from amaranth to watercress, is dried #peas from the supermarket. Sow them cheek by jowl and cover with just a little compost. The flavour of just-harvested pea shoots is fresh and green, just as if you have been frolicking in a summer meadow. Once you have succeeded here, try the seedlings of #radishes, #cabbage, #broccoli, #mustards, #GreekCress, #basil, #perilla (shiso) … The list is endless – even carrot seedlings are delicious.
"If you have a bit more space and a sunny enough spot, I would recommend getting a #lemon tree or perhaps a #kumquat. Not because you are likely to harvest bowls full of fruit, but for the leaves, which harbour all the flavour of the rind, but in a subtle and interesting way. They can be used in curries, puddings or – my favourite – gin and tonic. You could even add some coriander microgreens and truly up your game. Citrus trees need bright, warm conditions and watering twice a week in summer."
Read more:
#microgreens #peas #radishes #cabbage #broccoli #mustards #greekcress #basil #perilla #lemon #kumquat #urbangardening #gardening
Spannende Interviews rund ums #grün beim #chlorophyllkongress von und mit #MariaKageaki
#MagdalenaRauter erzählt von ihren #microgreens #mikrogrün
#MandyTaute gibt Tips aus ihrem reichen Wildkräuterwissensschatz zur #zahngesundheit
#anouk beschäftigt sich in ihrem Interview mit dem #löwenzahn
#ernahrung #pflanzen #wildkrauter #gesundheit #lowenzahn #anouk #Zahngesundheit #mandytaute #mikrogrun #microgreens #magdalenarauter #mariakageaki #chlorophyllkongress #grun
So unterschiedlich verhält sich Saatgut unter absolut gleichen Bedingungen. Links und rechts beides Brokkoli, gleiche Menge, zur gleichen Zeit eingeweicht und angesetzt (vor ca 24h). Ich liebe solche kleinen Vergleiche ja und bin mal gespannt wie es weiter geht, ob es später optisch & geschmacklich auch Unterschiede gibt #sprossen #microgreens #broccoli #sprouts
Links: Rapunzel bioSnacky Sprossen-Broccoli (etw zurückhaltend)
Rechts: Keimgrün Brokkoli Calabrese Bio Keimsaat (Hier bin ich!)
#sprossen #microgreens #broccoli #sprouts
Jetzt muss ich noch mal nachlesen wie tief ich die Wurzeln einpflanzen sollte beim Umtopfen. Da noch ein paar ganz klitzikleine grüne Triebe an den Wurzeln zu sehen sind, warte ich aber noch ein bisschen, die will ja nicht komplett ver- und vielleicht begraben.
Hab vergessen, wie lange der #Koriander braucht um so "groß" zu werden, da muss ich dringend wieder was nachpflanzen. Nach diesem WE ist der weg 🪴 :blobcatgiggle:
#Koriander #microgreens #cilantro #Ingwer #kurkuma #ginger #curcuma
HA! Auf meiner Fensterbank geht es gerade ab. Wie gut, dass ich meinen Sprossenturm wieder in Betrieb genommen habe, ich liebe frisches Grün einfach zu allem und brauche gleich mehrere aberntbare Etagen. Aktuell: Brokkoli, Grünkohl und Rotkohl und unten wächst wieder Brokkoli nach.
In den Plastikschalen hab ich Koriander, Ingwer und Kurkuma. Letztere beiden kann ich auch bald umtopfen, der Koriander ist in ein paar Tagen erntereif und wird schnell weggefuttert sein.
#microgreens #sprossen
$238 million for #microgreens goes poof! Yet another #VerticalFarming #startup we have managed to outlast. #Aerofarms #bankrupt
#microgreens #verticalfarming #startup #aerofarms #bankrupt
Ma coriandre monte en graine, alors j'ai repris les micropousses. La barquette de la semaine dernière commence à germer, j'attaque la suivante. #Balcon2023 #micropousses #microgreens #coriandre #cilantro
#balcon2023 #micropousses #microgreens #coriandre #cilantro
Ma coriandre monte en graine, alors j'ai repris les micropousses. La barquette de la semaine dernière commence à germer, j'attaque la suivante. #Balcon2023 #micropousses #microgreens #coriandre #cilantro
#balcon2023 #micropousses #microgreens #coriandre #cilantro
Update: first two seed quilts from my #Hamama windfall are growing! I peeled back the top paper today (day 4 or 5 depending on whether I'm counting the day I set them up). Looking delicious already! #WindowsillFarm #microgreens
#microgreens #windowsillfarm #hamama
vegetarian veal? 🤔
#harvested & eaten from our #FoodGarden yesterday. Some #microgreens & #SaladGreens , #lettuce & #mint 👩🌾
#Spring #Wsanec #Saanich #VictoriaBC #yyj #vanisle #VancouverIsland #PNW #PacificNorthwest #BritishColumbia #Canada #GardenersOfMastodon #SDFgardeners #MastodonGardeners #GrowPlantsNotHate #PlantAGarden #WhatsInMyGarden #FoodGardening #EdiblePlants #GrowFood #Homegrown #SelfSufficiency #FoodSecurity #AsianMastodon #plants #greens #GrowItEatIt #EatFromYourGarden #EdibleGardening #zone8
#harvested #foodgarden #microgreens #saladgreens #lettuce #mint #spring #wsanec #saanich #victoriabc #yyj #vanisle #vancouverisland #pnw #pacificnorthwest #britishcolumbia #canada #gardenersofmastodon #sdfgardeners #mastodongardeners #growplantsnothate #plantagarden #whatsinmygarden #foodgardening #edibleplants #growfood #homegrown #selfsufficiency #foodsecurity #asianmastodon #plants #greens #growiteatit #eatfromyourgarden #EdibleGardening #zone8
I may not have properly cared for the microgreens. oops. 😊
Too busy outside. 🤷♀️
Radish microgreens day 6!
#urbanfarming #microgreens #SanitySunday
#urbanfarming #microgreens #sanitysunday
Trying out five different kinds of #microgreens. Today some of them have graduated to the windowsill
Really? Dandelions? I never would have guessed. What was that like?
My partner grew "micro-greens" in the house for a while, and then she got a dehydrator and was into that. And then she took radish microgreens and blended them and put them in the dehydrator...
It was like chemical warfare had broken out. 2/10, would not do again.
#microgreens #health #chemicalwarfare
RT @canadian_carrie: Meatless Mondays!
Wishing the owner of Green City Aquaponics~
RHEECE a happy belated birthday!!! Keep on dancing buddy!
Eat your local microgreens kids!!!
#local #microgreens #greencityaquaponics #freedelivery #free #delivery #LdnOnt #Newsload #local #greens
#local #microgreens #greencityaquaponics #freedelivery #free #Delivery #ldnont #newsload #greens
Just made this #bacon sandwich healthy by adding a double goddamn fistful of #microgreens !
Washboard abs here I come