Things I'm interested in:
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If you're interested in these topics, we should follow each other, eh?
#recoveryposse #dadjokes #readingforpleasure #libraries #library #bookstodon #fiction #nonfiction #history #microhistories #mystery #thrillers #scifi #fantasy #comicbooks #dccomics #imagecomics #marvelcomics #darkhorsecomics #springerspaniels #florida #equality #justice #football #neworleanssaints #floridagators #alternativemusic #classicrock #cycling #lighthouses
Check out Tobias Englmeier et al.’s work “Using an Advanced Text Index Structure for Corpus Exploration in Digital Humanities” which shows ways to explore #corpuses through symmetric compacted directed acyclic word graphs (SCDAWGs)- offering ways to answer many of the questions raised in #DH research:
Exploring #microhistories of the #Holocaust, see “Algorithmic Close Reading: Using Semantic Triplets to Index and Analyze Agency in Holocaust Testimonies” by Lizhou Fan & Todd Presner which uses #text #analysis #methods to search #testimonies:
#corpuses #dh #microhistories #holocaust #text #analysis #methods #testimonies
This is the bacterium that causes almost half of the deaths of children in Africa😞
And yes, there is a vaccine💉but it doesn't always arrive🤨😵😡
8⃣and last thread🧵of #microhistories:today touches "Streptococcus pneumoniae".
Curiosities, diagnosis, treatment and something more