Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Ritesh Kharche, M.D., M.B.B.S.
Subspecialty: Microbiology
Diagnosis: Mucor
See Dr. Kharche's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/ritesh-kharche
#directory #profile #microimage #pathology #pathologyoutlines #imageoftheweek #microbiology
#directory #profile #microimage #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #ImageOfTheWeek #microbiology
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Aleksandra Zuraw, D.V.M., Ph.D.
Subspecialty: Informatics & digital pathology
Diagnosis: Multinucleated giant cell in the lung
See Dr. Zuraw's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/aleksandra-zuraw
#pathology #pathologyoutlines #directory #lung #informatics #digitalpathology #imageoftheweek #microimage #GIANTCELL
#Pathology #pathologyoutlines #directory #Lung #informatics #digitalpathology #ImageOfTheWeek #microimage #giantcell
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Hiteshkumar Shah, M.D., M.B.B.S., D.N.B.
Subspecialty: Immunology / HLA
Diagnosis: Gastric parietal cell antibody positive
See Dr. Shah's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/hiteshkumar-shah
#directory #profile #immunology #pathology #pathologyoutlines #image #microimage #gastric
#directory #profile #immunology #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #image #microimage #gastric
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Sameera Rashid, M.D.
Subspecialty: Gyn
Diagnosis: Serous borderline, micropapillary variant
See Dr. Rashid's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/sameera-rashid
#directory #microimage #pathology #pathologyoutlines #Gynpath #gyn
#directory #microimage #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #gynpath #gyn
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Jerad M. Gardner, M.D.
Subspecialty: Dermatopathology
Diagnosis: Lentigo simplex.
See Dr. Gardner's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/jerad-gardner
#Directory #dermpath #pathology #pathologyoutlines #profile #imageoftheweek #microimage
#directory #dermpath #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #profile #ImageOfTheWeek #microimage
Last chance to vote for your favorite Directory image!
The last day to vote is April 30th.
Watch this video to learn more about the contest.
Vote here: https://surveymonkey.com/r/favorite_image
#pathology #image #Contest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines #ImageContest
#Pathology #image #contest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines #imagecontest
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Mariana Cezar de Andrade Ribeiro, M.D.
Subspecialty: Cytopathology
Diagnosis: Papillary thyroid carcinoma - classic
See Dr. Cezar de Andrade Ribeiro's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/mariana-cezar-de-andrade-ribeiro
#directory #image #microimage #pathology #pathologyoutlines #cytopath #carcinoma #thyroid #imageoftheweek
#directory #image #microimage #Pathology #pathologyoutlines #cytopath #carcinoma #Thyroid #ImageOfTheWeek
Last week to vote for your favorite Directory image!
The last day to vote is April 30th.
Watch this video to learn more about the contest: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/favorite_image
#pathology #image #Contest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines
#Pathology #image #contest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines
Reminder: Vote for your favorite Directory image by April 30th!
Watch this video to learn more about the contest: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/favorite_image
#pathology #image #Contest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines
#Pathology #image #contest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines
Our favorite Directory image of the week is from Irean Garcia Hernandez, M.D.
Subspecialty: Breast
Diagnosis: Actynomices spp, oophoritis
See Dr. Hernandez's Directory profile: https://www.pathologyoutlines.com/directory/irean-garcia-hernandez
#directory #profile #microimage #BreastPath #pathology #image #pathologyoutlines
#directory #profile #microimage #breastpath #Pathology #image #pathologyoutlines
Vote for your favorite Directory image by April 30th!
Watch this video to learn more about the contest.
#Pathology #image #imagecontest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines
#Pathology #image #imagecontest #microimage #directory #pathologyoutlines