Well played Google Maps. It's little unexpected touches like this that bring delight #UX #microinteractions
I am a terrible person and here is a Star Trek: The Next Generation fic co-authored with OpenAI's GPT-3 Chatbot:
Geordi Learns The Value Of User-Centered Design
Some quotes in the thread.
#startrek #contentdesign #fic #openai #gpt3 #geordilaforge #userresearch #microcopy #microinteractions #design
#startrek #contentdesign #fic #openai #gpt3 #geordilaforge #userresearch #microcopy #microinteractions #design
Micro-interactions for better User Experience | by HIE HQ | Medium https://medium.com/@hiehq/micro-interactions-for-better-user-experience-d86110a5fd46 #ui #microinteractions
@upol It could also be in order to increase engagement with things you personally care about and provide progressive disclosure. I kind of like it because you make your own choice, regardless of how many others starred the post. I thought it was a bug at first because I'm just so used to it the other way. #microinteractions
RT Tirso
A mi me descuidan unas horas sin internet y hago un diseño bonito de una calculadora basandome en #glassmorphism con modo oscuro incluido y microinteracciones jajaja ♥
#htmlcss #uxui #darkmode #microinteractions #codepen #javascript
:sys_twitter: https://twitter.com/tirsolecointere/status/1422594146125111298
#glassmorphism #htmlcss #uxui #darkmode #microinteractions #codepen #javascript