Rocketsoup · @rocketsoup
38 followers · 351 posts · Server

I wrote a bare bones little PHP app for doing self-hosted . Designed to be a very simple, low distraction alternative to social media if you're trying to kick the habit. helps you get a little more centered and in touch with yourself and is a much better habit than doomscrolling, and the format encourages small thoughts in the moment, not just long reflections.

#microjournaling #journaling

Last updated 2 years ago

ZeNeece · @ZeNeece
142 followers · 1094 posts · Server

@TheNurseIsIn @ShaulaEvans @Mrfunkedude Yes! I never would have done that. I thought it was too trivial and boring. But it makes all of the people I see REAL.
I find myself now thinking of what I will write.
I mean, his idea is basically . A wonderful technique.

#microjournaling #mindfulness

Last updated 2 years ago

Jacob T. Murphy · @jacobteemurph
5 followers · 27 posts · Server

I've started in Craft, having deleted YouTube from my phone after watching this.* It's proving a very helpful & insightful lil experiment.

*I'll still use YT, but removing it from my phone makes it a whole lot more intentional.


Last updated 2 years ago

Randomlycee · @randomlycee
39 followers · 368 posts · Server

Listened to an podcast called “7 journaling techniques that can change your life”.

One idea I really like is micro journaling so I’m going to try that. I also like the idea of making my social apps harder to find, which is related I feel. I’m going to put “notes” in my social app folder & move all my social apps out & hide them in amongst my other apps.

#campbellwalker #microjournaling #bulletjournal #bujo #artofmanliness

Last updated 2 years ago

pocket full of hawthornes · @cobie
19 followers · 227 posts · Server