DW News
EU opens first mainland satellite launch port in Arctic Sweden
#DW #DWNews #Europe #gateway #Kiruna #launchpad #microLauncher #orbit #reusable #reusableEngine #satellite #space #Sweden
#dw #dwnews #europe #gateway #kiruna #launchpad #microlauncher #orbit #reusable #reusableengine #satellite #space #sweden
📦 🚐 How may #VirginOrbit (and others) compete with #Starship 🚚 ?
It's not all about #LaunchCost, but also time ⏱️ to (the exact) #orbit. See "Do you prefer dedicated microlauncher flights or #rideshares on heavier launchers" and "What are the advantages of a dedicated launch on a #microlauncher" https://www.rolandberger.com/en/Insights/Publications/Small-Satellites-and-the-growing-demand-in-microlaunchers-and-ridesharing.html
#virginorbit #starship #launchcost #orbit #rideshares #microlauncher #timetoorbit
@philmyboots it's a bit like comparing a #van to a #truck. It's not all about #LaunchCost, but also time ⏱️ to #orbit. See "Do you prefer dedicated microlauncher flights or #rideshares on heavier launchers" and "What are the advantages of a dedicated launch on a #microlauncher" https://www.rolandberger.com/en/Insights/Publications/Small-Satellites-and-the-growing-demand-in-microlaunchers-and-ridesharing.html
#van #truck #launchcost #orbit #rideshares #microlauncher
DLR: Mikrolauncher-Wettbewerb – Gewinner der ersten Nutzlast-Plätze stehen fest - https://www.raumfahrer.net/dlr-mikrolauncher-wettbewerb-gewinner-der-ersten-nutzlast-plaetze-stehen-fest/
Kleinsatelliten von fünf europäischen Forschungseinrichtungen sichern sich Ticket für die kommerzie... #bot #würzblogLink #universityofmaribor #isaraerospace #microlauncher #dlr
#dlr #microlauncher #IsarAerospace #universityofmaribor #würzblogLink #bot