Apple Watch „X“ – Aber nicht dieses Jahr
Apple wird auch in diesem Jahr eine neue Apple Watch vorstellen, so wie sie es seit 2015 jedes Jahr gemacht haben. Die Upgrades werden aber eher klein ausfallen. Nicht so bei der Apple Watch "X". Die wird aber noch nicht erscheinen.
Apple Watch "X" erinnert uns ein wenig an das iP
#News #Watch #AppleWatchSeries9 #AppleWatchX #MarkGurman #MicroLED #Newsletter #OLED
#News #watch #applewatchseries9 #applewatchx #markgurman #microled #newsletter #oled
Who on earth decided that there should be two completely different display technologies named micro-OLED and MicroLED? I legit thought for the past month that #Apple had managed to cram MicroLED into their #VisionPro headset and had been confused why that was possible for $3500 headset to make a <8” MicroLED display but the smallest #MicroLED TVs available are $100k and 90”.
Micro-OLED: My pixels are the size of a human red blood cell.
Micro-LED: Hah, that's all? Hold my beer...
【Computex 2023】ASUS 展示 135 吋 MicroLED 螢幕 ProArt Cinema PQ07 巨幕存在感十足
ASUS 在 4 月的時候公佈了 ProArt Cinema PQ07 巨型 MicroLED 螢幕,在最近的 Computex 大會上亮相,相當震撼。
The post 【Computex 2023】ASUS 展示 135 吋 MicroLED 螢幕 ProArt Cinema PQ07 巨幕存在感十足 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#科技趣聞 #asus #COMPUTEX 2023 #MicroLED
#科技趣聞 #asus #computex #microled
MicroLED Apple Watch Ultra: Gerüchte, Funktionen und Erscheinungsdatum
Apple arbeitet an einer neuen Display-Technologie namens MicroLED, die zuerst in der Apple Watch Ultra zum Einsa
#News #Watch #Akkulaufzeit #Display-Technologie #Funktionen #1-Zoll-Display #microLED #MiniLED #2 #Apple #RossYoung #applewatchultra #Gerüchte #2025 #TSMC #Energieeffizienz #OLED #Erscheinungsdatum
#News #watch #akkulaufzeit #display #funktionen #microled #miniled #Apple #rossyoung #applewatchultra #geruchte #TSMC #energieeffizienz #oled #erscheinungsdatum
Apple Watch Ultra: Verbessertes microLED-Display, Launch in H2 2025
Laut Ross Young, einem Display-Analysten, arbeitet Apple an einer aktualisierten Version der Apple Watch Ultra, die mit einem verbesserten microLED-Display ausgestattet ist. Allerdings wird das Gerät er
#News #Watch #2025 #applewatchultra #Bloomberg #iPhone #Launch #MarkGurman #microLED-Display #RossYoung #Technologie
#News #watch #applewatchultra #bloomberg #iphone #launch #markgurman #microled #rossyoung #technologie
LG and Samsung are getting serious about their OLED panel deal again - Enlarge / A 77-inch QD-OLED was one of the new TVs announced at CES 202... - #southkorea #microled #qd-oled #samsung #panels #korea #woled #tech #oled #lg #tv
#tv #lg #oled #tech #WOLED #korea #panels #samsung #qd #microled #southkorea
Ars Technica: LG and Samsung are getting serious about their OLED panel deal again #Tech #arstechnica #IT #Technology #SouthKorea #MicroLED #QD-OLED #Samsung #panels #Korea #WOLED #Tech #oled #LG #TV
#Tech #arstechnica #it #technology #SouthKorea #microled #qd #samsung #panels #korea #woled #OLED #lg #TV
LED Displays May Get Vertical Integration - If you zoom into the screen you are reading this on, you’d see an extremely fine p... - #ledhacks #microled #science #display #led
#led #display #science #microled #ledhacks
傳 Apple Watch Ultra 明年更新 屏幕尺寸將增加一成
早前海通國際證券分析師 Jeff Pu 曾經撰文,指 Apple 計劃在 2024 年推出新版 Apple Watch Ultra 智能手錶。台灣網站 DigiTimes 日前引述業內消息人士指,明年登場的新版 Apple Watch Ultra 將會配備 2.1 吋屏幕,較現時的版本尺寸大接近 10%。The post 傳 Apple Watch Ultra 明年更新 屏幕尺寸將增加一成 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#潮流手錶 #Apple Watch Ultra #MicroLED
Longer Battery Life, Better Screens: New Display Tech From Apple, Google, Others Is Just Around the Corner
MicroLED displays have a number of useful characteristics. They can emit hundreds or even thousands of times more light per square millimeter than today’s flat-panel screens. And, at any given level of brightness, they require significantly less power—on the order of a 10th as much
#microled #LED #display #smartphone #mobile #battery #technology #tech #innovation
#microled #led #display #smartphone #mobile #battery #technology #tech #innovation
韓媒爆料 Samsung Display 將生產手錶用 microLED 屏幕
日前《彭博》報導指 Apple 正在測試自家研發的 microLED 屏幕面板,並且計劃在明年應用於新版本 Apple Watch Ultra。韓國新聞網站 ETNews 日前爆料指,長期為 Apple 供應屏幕面板的 Samsung 亦有類似計劃,推出智能手錶用的 microLED 屏幕面板。The post 韓媒爆料 Samsung Display 將生產手錶用 microLED 屏幕 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#生活科技 #MicroLED #samsung #Samsung Display
Apple 計劃轉用 microLED 屏幕 由明年新版 Apple Watch Ultra 開始
擁有與 OLED 相同的高亮度、高色彩飽和度及超薄的優點,加上更加慳電,microLED 預計會成為未來高階科技產品選用的屏幕面板。消息指 Apple 計劃最快明年下半年,率先在新版 Apple Watch Ultra 採用自家研發的 microLED 屏幕,然後再於 iPhone、iPad 和 Mac 陸續採用。The post Apple 計劃轉用 microLED 屏幕 由明年新版 Apple Watch Ultra 開始 appeared first on 香港 玩生活.樂科技.
#生活科技 #Apple #MicroLED
🎙️ la quotidienne iWeek | 309
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👬 @benjaminvincent & Gilles Dounès
Abonnez-vous gratuitement !
#microled #broadcom #ski #premierleague #macbookair #iweeklqi
01 Net: Apple : sa grande migration vers le microLED pourrait lui prendre dix ans #francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #microled #Technos #Apple
#francais #01net #Technologie #Tech #microled #Technos #apple
» The Mojo Blog | A New Direction for Mojo Vision’s Groundbreaking Technology // The reduction represents approximately 75 percent of the company’s workforce.
"How small? ... Like cutting a single centimeter of hair into 200 smaller pieces."
#samsung #marketing #microled #ces
En el evento The Firts Look 2023 de Samsung conocí estos súper televisores con tecnología Micro LED. Tienen una calidad de imagen y definición realmente brutal!! 😍
#CES2023 #samsung #samsungcolombia #microled #microledtv #lasvegas #…
#CES2023 #Samsung #samsungcolombia #microled #microledtv #lasvegas
BTW, nice to see that Max Hodak is on Mastodon @maxh as well as not verified on Twitter @maxhodak_ :-) #neuroscience #BCI, #epiretinal #retinal #implant, #ScienceEye #microLED
#microled #scienceeye #implant #retinal #epiretinal #bci #neuroscience