Pam · @thepamcakez
78 followers · 113 posts · Server

Sold my AirPods and will get paid for them tomorrow morning. That leaves me $50 short for my bill. Meanwhile - I still need to come up with $900 roughly between now and the first to pay my car registration renewal fee, health insurance renewal and December payment, a $200 PayPal negative balance I got from using their debit card connected to my bank to deal with other bills, and my negative $500 bank balance that will cause my account to be closed on me if not dealt with by the 10th of January. Yay.
PayPal: @PCairo
CashApp: $Pegypt

#billsbillsbills #nojokebroke #foreverfloundering #audhdburnout #outofideas #neednewjob #overworkedunderpaid #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #toxicworkculture #mutualaidappreciated #MutualAidRequest #AuDHD #basicneedsnotmet #fcktheeconomy

Last updated 2 years ago

Pam · @thepamcakez
75 followers · 107 posts · Server

When you work as a captioning agent but you’re and in burnout so everything is loud muddy and triggering - and the vdi and captioning software your toxic employers make you use is half baked so it’s always freezing/glitching/spitting out nonsense anyways - NIGHTMARE. FUEL. Being unsupported by management & only paid 12/hr for three years doesn’t help.

#AuDHD #spiraling #burnout #hell #underpaidoverworked #audhdburnout #audioprocessingissues #sensoryhell #micromanagementnightmare #makeaccomodationsaccessible #mismanagement #sinkingship #toxicworkculture

Last updated 2 years ago