🇬🇧 Today the Brotherhood of United Blocks has marked 14 years of existence, and by this post, we thank all those who are with us! Happy Birthday, FBU! 🥳
🇷🇴 Astăzi Frăția Blocurilor Unite a împlinit 14 ani de existență și pe această cale, le mulțumim tuturor celor care ne-au fost alături! La mulți ani, FBU! 🥳
#FBU #FrățiaBlocurilorUnite #BrotherhoodOfTheUnitedBlocks #Micronation #Minecraft #NationalDay #14Years #22April
#FBU #frațiablocurilorunite #brotherhoodoftheunitedblocks #micronation #minecraft #nationalday #14years #22april
🇬🇧 Today the Brotherhood of United Blocks has marked 14 years of existence, and by this post, we thank all those who are with us! Happy Birthday, FBU! 🥳
🇷🇴 Astăzi Frăția Blocurilor Unite a împlinit 14 ani de existență și pe această cale, le mulțumim tuturor celor care ne-au fost alături! La mulți ani, FBU! 🥳
#FBU #FrățiaBlocurilorUnite #BrotherhoodOfTheUnitedBlocks #Micronation #Minecraft #NationalDay #14Years #22April
#FBU #frațiablocurilorunite #brotherhoodoftheunitedblocks #micronation #minecraft #nationalday #14years #22april
The official launch of the 🦣#Mastodon page!
🇬🇧 This is the official account of the Brotherhood of the United Blocks where we will post information about the activities of the micronation.
🇷🇴 Acesta este contul oficial al Frăției Blocurilor Unite (FBU) unde vom posta informații despre activitățile micronațiunii.
#FBU #FrățiaBlocurilorUnite #BrotherhoodOfTheUnitedBlocks #Micronation #Intro #Introduction
#mastodon #FBU #frațiablocurilorunite #brotherhoodoftheunitedblocks #micronation #intro #introduction
Wishing a 🐇#HappyEaster and #blessings to all our citizens who celebrate the ☦️#OrthodoxEaster
🐿️ #NuciLandia #MHR #Micronation 🌞
#happyeaster #blessings #orthodoxeaster #easter2023 #nucilandia #mhr #micronation
This #micronation stuff can quickly dip into "Sovereign Citizen" goofiness, but I'm not about that. I have no illusions that there's some secret code words you can use in a court to assert some kind of inherent rights.
There's no secret birth certificate the government keeps, lol. The use of CAPITAL LETTERS in your name for official documents is for clarity, it's not a magic spell to take away your rights.
I want to try to build something to fill the gaps where modern nations are failing. I would like to form, and join a network of mutual aid where folks can help support each other with direct action.
My personal skillset includes building internet and computer oriented infrastructure, so that's where I'm going to start.
Im studying this article closely tonight:
Offering a #Mărțișor and wishing a pleasant #Spring and Happy #WomansDay to all Nucilandian women!
#InternationalWomansDay #Spring
🐿️ #NuciLandia #MHR #Micronation 🌞
#marțișor #spring #womansday #internationalwomansday #nucilandia #mhr #micronation
El Consolat de #Flandrensis a Catalunya posa en marxa una botiga de samarretes, i durant 6 mesos amb cada venda es col•laborarà en el projecte riu #Siurana del #gepec (gepec.cat)
#Priorat #Tarragona #Reus #micronation👕👚🐟🦎🌿
🎁 latostadora.com/flandrensis
#flandrensis #siurana #GEPEC #priorat #tarragona #reus #micronation
Yesterday I set up a Mastodon page for my #micronation - @NuciLandia !
It`s a fun little project of mine.
Check it out and follow it if you՝re interested!
I аm going to post content there regularly, when it makes sense and it`s worth doing it.
I also plan to build some of the nation's infrastructure in #Minecraft and that will be рοsted also.
🐿️ #NuciLandia #MHR #Micronation 🌞
#micronation #minecraft #nucilandia #mhr
Two portraits were recently created in Elevatia to depict our ruling family - Lady Lucie, Lord Daniel and little Princess Sharka.
#portraitart #elevatia #micronation
#metadata #podcast #writing #SciFi #Fantasy #Steampunk #GaslightFantasy #Solarpunk #Lunarpunk #TheTossingGrenandesAtWindmillsPodcast #The1789ConstitutionIsTrash #Poetry #Hypnosis #Hypnokink #IndieMovies #Producer #SinsOfSiliconValley #RedAnvilProductions #RedAnvilCreative #ForeverWest #ArmyOfFire #GrenademanVsTheZombies #Micronation #FreeScotland #RhombusTicks #EmmitOther #EPBlingermeyer #Travel #FreeScotland #FreeCatalonia #Democracy #FreeUkraine #FreeTibet #FreeMyanmar #FreeTaiwan #IOdysseus
#metadata #Podcast #writing #scifi #fantasy #steampunk #gaslightfantasy #solarpunk #lunarpunk #thetossinggrenandesatwindmillspodcast #the1789constitutionistrash #poetry #hypnosis #hypnokink #indiemovies #producer #sinsofsiliconvalley #redanvilproductions #redanvilcreative #foreverwest #armyoffire #grenademanvsthezombies #micronation #freescotland #rhombusticks #emmitother #epblingermeyer #travel #freecatalonia #democracy #freeukraine #freetibet #freemyanmar #freetaiwan #iodysseus
I DON'T recommend trying this yourself, but it's worth observing as part of the gaps and cracks in the world's system of countries an #borders: Unrecognized #passports, including from #micronations, are apparently sometimes accepted by unwitting or uncaring border control agents...
#micronation #nationstate #geography #geopolitics #borders #bordercontrol
#BorderControl #geopolitics #geography #nationstate #micronation #micronations #passports #borders
I totally did not just claim an NFC card I had lying around as territory for my #Micronation. :blobcateyes:
I was sitting on the sofa reading a book and a rather large random kanga just decided to wander over and have a bit of a lie-down at the back door...
#atlantium #micronation #australia #kangaroo #countrylife #rural #wildlife #amazinganimals
#atlantium #micronation #australia #kangaroo #countrylife #rural #wildlife #amazinganimals
A local wallaby checking out the verandah at the Empire of Atlantium.
#atlantium #micronation #marsupial #kangaroo #wallaby #australia #rurallife #countryside #landscape #beauty #nature
#atlantium #micronation #marsupial #kangaroo #wallaby #australia #rurallife #countryside #landscape #beauty #nature
While setting up a #micronation can be inspiring and acknowledging that some revolutions kicked off around the kitchen table, it shouldn't be left to the feudal neo-nazi to dream up how the world could look like.
Interesting this band's primary goal and selling point is to set up a #State controlled #healthcare system: a construction to keep a tap on citizens from the cradle to the grave providing much joy to politicians.
#Healthcare #state #micronation
Another magnificent sunset at the Empire of Atlantium.
#atlantium #micronation #sunset #photography #nature #beauty #clouds #landscape #securitycamera #golden #dramatic #sky #pyramid #freedom #independence #progressivism
#atlantium #micronation #sunset #photography #nature #beauty #clouds #landscape #securitycamera #golden #dramatic #sky #pyramid #freedom #independence #progressivism
Emperor George II recently appeared on The Drum, on ABC TV News across Australia.
#atlantium #micronation #globalism #humanism #secularism #progressivism #freedom #independence #politics #monarchy #imperialrepublic
#atlantium #micronation #globalism #humanism #secularism #progressivism #freedom #independence #politics #monarchy #imperialrepublic
Emperor George II recently appeared on The Drum, on ABC TV News, in Australia.
#atlantium #micronation #progressivism #humanism #secularism #globalism #freedom #independence #republicanmonarchy #monarchy #imperialrepublic
#atlantium #micronation #progressivism #humanism #secularism #globalism #freedom #independence #republicanmonarchy #monarchy #imperialrepublic
Storms north of the Empire of Atlantium.
#photography #landscape #architecture #pyramid #column #skyscape #atlantium #micronation #progressivism #humanism #secularism #globalism #beauty #nature #storm #australia #nsw
#photography #landscape #architecture #pyramid #column #skyscape #atlantium #micronation #progressivism #humanism #secularism #globalism #beauty #nature #storm #australia #nsw