#Monitoring across (#JVM) frameworks
#monitoring #jvm #springboot #quarkus #micronaut #fromthearchives
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut framework 4.1.0! Please see our latest blog post for more details. https://micronaut.io/2023/09/01/micronaut-framework-4-1-0-released/
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut framework 4.0.6! Please see our latest blog post for more details. https://micronaut.io/2023/08/31/micronaut-framework-4-0-6-released/ #micronaut
I also have a #Micronaut backup talk, so there are still chances you'll hear me talk about writing a native CLI client for Mastodon with Micronaut. Little chances, but chances anyway :)
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut framework 4.0.5! Please see our latest blog post for more details. https://micronaut.io/2023/08/24/micronaut-framework-4-0-5-released/ #micronaut
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut framework 4.0.4, 3.10.1 and 3.9.6 https://micronaut.io/2023/08/18/micronaut-framework-4-0-4-released/ #micronaut
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut framework 4.0.3! Please see our latest blog post for more details. https://micronaut.io/2023/08/04/micronaut-framework-4-0-3-released/ #micronaut
Today, I updated a Kotlin sample application from 3 to 4. It is straightforward. See the PR: https://github.com/khorvat1/micronaut-gcp/pull/1 Moreover, the @graalvm issue with gcp-logging this sample project was referring to is solved in Micronaut Framework 4 💃 #micronaut
Effective immediately, we are moving the community chat from Gitter to Discord. https://micronaut.io/2023/07/28/micronaut-moves-to-discord/ #micronaut
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut Framework 4.0.1 ! Please see our latest blog post for more details. https://micronaut.io/2023/07/22/micronaut-framework-4-0-1-released/
I teach a Micronaut Essentials Workshop next week:
🗓️ July 24th-27th, 2023
🕰️ Time: 9:00 a.m. to 12:00 p.m. CDT.
📍 Location: Online
💵 Fee: $200
#Micronaut Framework 4.0.0 has been released!
This major release introduces numerous updates & improvements to the popular JVM-based framework, enhancing its performance, modularity, and compatibility with other technologies.
More on InfoQ: https://bit.ly/3q5G6cV
Chez #Micronaut on fait les choses bien. Pour la #FeteNationale, on sort la version 4 !
Plein de trucs cool dedans, essayez !
Micronaut Framework 4 changes - You can generate a Micronaut Framework HTTP client from an OpenAPI Specification with the help of the Micronaut Gradle or Micronaut Maven plugins https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k5DK6SwcYFY #micronaut
The Micronaut Foundation is excited to announce the release of Micronaut Framework 4.0.0! Please see our latest blog post for more details. https://micronaut.io/2023/07/14/micronaut-framework-4-0-0-released/ #micronaut
En 40m voy a hablar en el JUG de Barranquilla Colombia sobre Micronaut Framework en Español https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RMaFT2BVIHI #micronaut
Si te tienes que pelear con SOAP (por ejemplo para hacer llamadas a la AEAT o a la DGT) es un coñazo , asi que he preparado un template de un servicio #Micronaut que acepta llamadas Rest y las convierte en Soap
El template usa un par de wsdl públicos pero la idea es que simplemente cambiando una linea del build apuntando a tu wsdl tengas el "esqueleto" para hacerte un servicio rest
El build invoca al generar los javas y los añade al source además de las libs necesarias
In two hours, I will talk with Graeme Rocher about Micronaut Framework 4 in an online free webinar! Join us https://zoom.us/webinar/register/9316851145833/WN_G_SlsMs9Rf-gsoWbbAgalQ#/registration #micronaut
🎥 @micronautfw 4 changes - Object Storage Local https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBvvGtY1CeA #micronaut
🎥 @micronautfw 4 changes - Micronaut HTP Client based on Java HTTP Client https://youtu.be/3pnQJARawj0 #micronaut