@philo @world_beauty
Nuts is right. I was able to use the Chili based #MicroObservatory to capture Omega Centauri also. I'd love to be able to observe it with one of my scopes, but that's unlikely to happen.
Being in the northern hemisphere, I've never seen it. But I became aware of the #microobservatory a couple of years ago. It's composed of a half dozen or so 6 inch Mak-newts, mostly in either Arizona or Massachusetts.
For a time though one was in Chile, and I was able to process an image of 47 Tucanae taken with it. Cheating in a way, as it's not my telescope, but am public one.
That's a terrific photo.
I tried the #RosetteNebula with the #MicroObservatory, and barely got an image. Their photo equipment is beyond most amateur astronomers' equipment, but is old. Plus the web site allows a max of a 60 second exposure. That just isn't sufficient for that target.
#RosetteNebula #microobservatory #stargeezer
Clear atmosphere always helps. So from what I'm reading the objective lens is about 90mm in diameter?
You did better than my #M42 effort using the publicly available #MicroObservatory 6 inch Mak-Newts.
#m42 #microobservatory #stargeezer
Can you briefly describe the equipment used for that very good image?
I used the publicly available #MicroObservatory to get this image of the #TrantulaNebula. They provide 6 inch Mak-Newts. I don't have equipment that can adequately do star photography, so occasionally I use the Micro Observatory.
The raw images take some considerable processing, and I get enjoyment by providing my own #software for that purpose.
#software #trantulanebula #microobservatory
I tried for a couple of days to use the publicly available Micro Observatory to get a color image of the Andromeda galaxy. But during the times my request was enacted weather was always poor.
So I did the next best thing and went to their image archive for the last few days and found a time when the weather was clear, and found an r, g, b set of Andromeda images. I processed and aligned the components and was able to get the following color image of M31.
#stargeezer #microobservatory #m31
That's a beautiful shot, especially being in color.
Do tell me, is this cheating? Not having the proper equipment for serious #StarPhotography, I make use of the publicly available #MicroObservatory. The Observatory makes available a half dozen 6" #Mak-Newts from different locations.
I can schedule and get raw b/w and R G B images. I then use software I've created to process and produce final results, like the #Andromeda photo below.
#andromeda #MAK #microobservatory #starphotography
@PaulGreene @AlexSanterne
I don't have the tracking equipment to compete with that. I have the optics, but not the tracking.
I've make do by using the publicly available #MicroObservatory, a Harvard Smithsonian project. They make available a half dozen 6" #Mak-Newts, and on this occasion one in Chile. I processed the raw RGB images with my own software.
The #CarinaNebula, Micro Observatory 6" image.
#carinanebula #MAK #microobservatory
@alrouen @AlexSanterne
That's a great shot.
Do you have some kind of auto-guider, as your tracking is spot on?
I don't have any way to take "through the scope" star images because of tracking. When I get the urge, I sometimes use the #MicroObservatory, a publicly available collection of about 6 Mak-Newts. They will send you a raw image through email, and you must reduce it.
A good option if you don't have astro-equipment, but have computer.
#stargeezer #astrophotography #dumbbell #microobservatory
I cannot compete with you on small field #AstroPhotography. I have only have #PiggyBack star photography capability.
To get your quality of images, I've used the publicly available #MicroObservatory. The half dozen or so telescopes are 6 inch Mak-Newts. One can schedule targets and get emails of raw images. I process them with a Yorick program.
It's a solution for those lacking equipment but having computer.
Here's my best #M15.
#m15 #microobservatory #piggyback #astrophotography #stargeezer
That's a nice image. Was that a #piggyback, maybe using a telephoto?
Here's my best effort. Yeah, it's kind of another cheat, taken with the publicly available #MicroObservatory. More of these of these photos and my supporting logic is at