A Litter Bestiary: giraffe
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #giraffes
#giraffes #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
A Litter Bestiary: cat
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #cats
#cats #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
Many people would think – understandably due to it being the focus of much recent research – that when it comes to cars, the biggest cause of pollution is exhaust. But, in fact, wear and tear on tires has been shown to produce more particle #pollution by mass. #microplastics https://newatlas.com/environment/tire-wear-microparticles-big-contributor-waterway-pollution/
A Litter Bestiary: flamingos
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #flamingos
#flamingos #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
A Litter Bestiary: unicorn
#litterbestiary #litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #unicorns
#unicorns #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter #litterbestiary
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #sheep #litterbestiary
#litterbestiary #sheep #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #bears
#bears #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
New Filter Removes Over 99% Of Microplastics in Water https://mymodernmet.com/plant-based-water-filter-microplastics/
#water #microplastics
Nature strikes back
Misschien worden zeedieren wel gek in hun hoofd van al die #microplastics of te warme zee.
Gizmodo: Paper Cups Are Bad for the Environment Too, Study Finds https://gizmodo.com/paper-cups-are-bad-for-the-environment-too-study-finds-1850798054?utm_source=regular #environmentaltoxicology #marineplasticpollution #bethaniecarneyalmroth #disposableproducts #plasticpollution #biodegradation #waterpollution #polylacticacid #microplastics #environment #bioplastic #pollution #papercup #sediment #plastic #water
#environmentaltoxicology #marineplasticpollution #bethaniecarneyalmroth #disposableproducts #plasticpollution #biodegradation #waterpollution #polylacticacid #microplastics #environment #bioplastic #pollution #papercup #sediment #plastic #water
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #mice
#mice #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
A litter bestiary:
#litter #waste #plastic #plasticpollution #anthropocene #latestagecapitalism #animals #nature #extinction #toys #microplastics #globalwarming #scotland #Glasgow #citylife #capitalism #environment #bestiary #flamingos
#flamingos #bestiary #environment #capitalism #citylife #glasgow #scotland #globalwarming #microplastics #toys #extinction #nature #animals #latestagecapitalism #anthropocene #plasticpollution #plastic #waste #litter
Antarctic krill are eating microplastics. What does this mean for the food chain? 🤔
#microplastics #antarctickrill #foodchain #pollution #climatechange #awareness
#microplastics #antarctickrill #foodchain #pollution #climatechange #awareness
"The Ethics of Dust was, for me, about human presence made present – about the building rewritten as not only limestone and glass and a wood-beamed roof, or as big abstract nouns like history and tradition and power, but the material traces of millions of bodies, their labours and their livelihoods." https://www.theguardian.com/news/2023/aug/31/empire-of-dust-what-the-tiniest-specks-reveal-about-the-world re: #blackcarbon #Hygiene #microplastics et al.
#microplastics #hygiene #blackcarbon
Assessing the Release of #Microplastics and #Nanoplastics from Plastic Containers and #Reusable Food Pouches: Implications for Human #Health
#microplastics #Nanoplastics #reusable #health
Are #biodegradable paper cups an example of a regretable substitution? Single-use take-away cups of paper are as #toxic to aquatic midge larvae as #plasticpollution cups. A reminder that *re-use* is always best! Great work by @BCarneyAlmroth and colleagues.
#plasticpollution #microplastics #ecotoxicity
#ecotoxicity #microplastics #plasticpollution #toxic #biodegradable
Gizmodo: Microplastics Can Travel Into the Brain and Cause Behavioral Changes, Study Finds https://gizmodo.com/microplastics-behavioral-changes-in-mice-alzheimers-stu-1850785217?utm_source=regular #draftmicroplasticsandtheirimpactonthehumanendocrinesystem #marineplasticpollution #healthmedicalpharma #plasticpollution #waterpollution #microplastics #jamieross #pollution #plastic
#draftmicroplasticsandtheirimpactonthehumanendocrinesystem #marineplasticpollution #healthmedicalpharma #plasticpollution #waterpollution #microplastics #jamieross #pollution #plastic
Two University of Rhode Island researchers estimate that the top 5 centimeters (2 inches) of the floor of #Narragansett Bay now contain more than 1,000 tons of #microplastics, and that buildup has occurred in just the last 10 to 20 years...
I'm still baffled how low we've fallen since plastic replaced reusable glass bottles "because plastic is better for the environment".
NEW RESEARCH: just 3 weeks of #microplastics in drinking water was enough for them to accumulate in mouse brains.
Researchers also saw behavior & immune system changes.
💨 When you sell a car (even for an EV), your gas car gets re-sold and keeps on polluting and emitting.
🛞 Tires are the worst form of car pollution. They shed microplastics and toxins every day — which kill everything.
The only way to end the problems of cars, is to end cars.
Boost on Twitter too, so people know:
#Depave #WarOnCars #CarFree #TacticalUrbanism #Urbanism #Bikes #Transit #Housing #Plastic #Microplastics #Pollution #FuckCars #StrongTowns #Planning #UrbanDesign #Policy #ClimateCrisis #ClimateEmergency #Climate
#depave #waroncars #carfree #tacticalurbanism #urbanism #bikes #transit #housing #plastic #microplastics #pollution #fuckcars #strongtowns #planning #urbandesign #policy #ClimateCrisis #climateemergency #climate