Yeah finally found playable ROMs from a website for #Retropie on my good-old #rasberrypi 2!
Pokemon! Kid will love it.
Besides it offers 'port' of #Micropolis, one of my favorite opensource games. Actually it provides it by 'apt install' on Raspbian ;-)
#retropie #rasberrypi #micropolis
Oh Macbook Air (2017) has no 3D graphic card?
Unluckily can't play #Flightgear and #minetest on it.
#Micropolis works! hooray!
#flightgear #minetest #micropolis #opensource #gaming
Another night for #micropolis #opensourcegaming !
Reaching 30,000 of population of my city. 😝
#micropolis #playonbsd #opensourcegaming #runbsd #openbsd
#opensource #gaming series 2:
Amazing #micropolis (fork of #simcity)
Why my citizens are rushing in when i start to raise the tax rate? 😆 it is now 24,000.
#opensource #gaming #micropolis #simcity
This week plays another #opensource #game which features educational perspectives: #minetest
Along with #micropolis (#simcity), they’re both epic and be my most adorable software. 🕹️
#minetest #micropolis #opensource #game #simcity
#opensource #gaming serial 1:
#micropolis (simcity) time.
I am proud to build up my ideal town. Doesn’t this map look like Nanshan, Shenzhen, #China?
Today on #slackware #playonlinux
#opensource #gaming #micropolis #china #slackware #playonlinux
Should take a rest now (at the end of today). not a chance to play #micropolis yet.
Aha, this is interesting. I was not a good gamer when i was a child and I was crazy and indulged in #gaming like other kids.
Oh I still forgot to play #micropolis. The past weekend was quite busy for me. I am always busy with many trivial things before I can enjoy fun. If not at rest, I am always resolving problems. 😆
Hands on my revisiting of #micropolis (#opensource version of #simcity ).
Fascinating, sophisticated. I love this 90s UI style. btw, the game has incredibly low resource cost (only 20+MB mem). #opensourcegaming #playonlinux #playonbsd
#micropolis #opensource #simcity #opensourcegaming #playonlinux #playonbsd
#opensourcegaming serial 1:
Have searched around for the city building simulator games in FOSS worlds. Such as #lincity{-ng}, #opencity, #senken.
None of them is as educational and sophisticated as #micropolis (the FOSS version of #SimCity) in which the authors even designed the social and political life of the citizens. Not only there is tax system, but also citizens can blogging then do lobbying and voting 😆. They even want to integrate #fb and #Wikipedia. Not sounds promising?
#opencity #simcity #wikipedia #opensourcegaming #lincity #senken #micropolis #fb
#opensourcegaming series 1:
#micropolis , This should be the one to be introduced in my series, as I excitedly rediscovered its open source version after playing its commercial version during my teenage years.
And what’s very much fascinating, is it’s precious educational features as well as authors’ efforts of making it open source owned by a giant game company.
I am (re)enjoying these alternatives and will soon give illustrations of these games out here, particularly for #micropolis, which is really an epic. I took a long time to read this long article authored by who opensourced it from #SimCity owned by EA inc.
Me trying several open source games on #slackware and #openbsd. Very enjoyable.
From #Flightgear, #crrcsim, #torcs, #supertuxkart to #micropolis, I am trying all the simulator games 😝
#openbsd #flightgear #crrcsim #torcs #supertuxkart #playonlinux #playonbsd #slackware #micropolis #opensourcegaming
Oh my~#slackware / #slackbuilds community, you guys are just amazing 😻!
I had never seen a considerate distro for writing down the caveats during the builds / runtime in their README files, not even the BSD distros do, AFAIK. 😆
I was just annoyed with a bug in #micropolis, the FOSS version of SimCity game. The author of this slackbuild told me it’s okay to play. #opensourcegaming #playonlinux :slackware:
#slackbuilds #micropolis #opensourcegaming #slackware #playonlinux
This #game, #micropolis recalls my memory of my childhood, when I was keen on playing #SimCity. Actually this is the mod from EA inc. to the #UNIX systems? Wow! (not be able to play now as it exceeds the size of my screen) 😂
#game #unix #opensourcegaming #micropolis #simcity #runbsd #playonbsd