On a lighter note, I've really been enjoying #CarrierCommand2!
I know I'm late to the party, but I try to limit how much I play video games and this one flew under the radar, so to speak.
It feels very much like the old #MicroProse simulators I played on my dumpster-dive computers as a kid. Solo play is possible, but it's clearly meant to be a team game, in the vein of #ArtemisSpaceshipBridgeSimulator and the others whose names escape me at the moment.
Feel free to share recommendations!
#carriercommand2 #microprose #artemisspaceshipbridgesimulator
Dying Breed is a retro Command & Conquer-like with hordes of naked zombies - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/dying-breed-is-a-retro-command-conquer-like-with-hordes-of-naked-zombies #Historical #DyingBreed #Microprose #Sarnayer #Strategy #Indie #PC
#pc #indie #strategy #sarnayer #microprose #dyingbreed #Historical
Hey Folks! This week we are down an Ash but have the return of Kodra from Origins.
Topics Discussed:
-- the #Twitpocalypse
-- P-Speed Returns
-- #GuildWars2 and the Secrets of the Obscure expansion announcement
-- #Origins convention
-- #Vampire #LARP
-- #HonkaiStarRail
-- #Nimona
-- #Microprose exists again and gets the #Falcon license back
AggroChat #440 - The Ubiquitous LARP
#twitpocalypse #guildwars2 #origins #vampire #larp #honkaistarrail #nimona #microprose #falcon
RT MadQueenStorm: It is told, in the old legends, that a Dragon may often walk as a man. But, as with all Beasts, his true nature cannot long be hid. Woe betide whoever seeks to capture such, for no chains will long keep it bound.
#microprose #microstory #Digital #art
Tak ostatnio zauważyłem że mało o strategiach wspominam, a przecież właściwie po to kupiłem tego laptoka rok temu - żeby sobie móc z rozumem i godnością człowieka pograć w gry, które obsługujemy urządzeniem stworzonym do obsługi programów w stylu Worda.
I tak mi się przypomniało przy okazji, że mam na dysku coś takiego jak Regiments. I zdałem sobie sprawę, że to gra cudowna, wspaniała, a do tego piękna i głośna. To ostatnie na pewno spodoba się fanom klimatów militarystycznych, bo jak Leopard w tej grze pierdolnie z lufy, to bębenki w uszach od razu zaczynają piszczeć jak nastolatki na koncertach Tokio Hotel. Było kiedyś coś takiego, teraz chyba nie ma, więc lufa Leoparda spełniła swoje zadania.
Gra mocno stawia na taktykę, więc nie ma co do niech podchodzić jak do jakiegoś symulatora sieczkarni. Każdy ruch to pół godziny namysłu. Czy te czołgi powinny wjechać między budynki? Czy te helikoptery które wysłaliśmy, mają odpowiednią ochronę z ziemi? Czy te transportery dojadą całe? Czy ta linia drzew nie jest podejrzana? Czy artyleria rozpierdoli cele na daną odległość?
Jak lubicie takie rozkminy, takie udawanie generała, takie pajacowanie z mapą taktyczną, siedząc jednocześnie w gaciach z piwem, to Regiments będzie idealnym wyborem.
I jaka ta gra jest ładna. Wybuchy soczyste jak sok z cytryny wcierany w oczy, wszechobecny dym i ogień, no człowiek się może poczuć jak na froncie czasami. Wybitna rzecz dla fanów strategii. 🥰
#regiments #microprose #nato #rts #strategygame #steam #pcmasterrace #gry #strategia #gonkacapa #bijkacapa #zajebkacapa
#regiments #microprose #nato #rts #strategygame #steam #pcmasterrace #gry #strategia #gonkacapa #bijkacapa #zajebkacapa
[Experimental autopost:] Frozen high above the crows // #microprose
::: Free (as in freedom) gaming - COLONIZATION ⛵ - FREECOL 1.0
20 years of development to the milestone of 1.0 - this free & open source Colonization revision FreeCol is out for totally libre gaming pleasure!
20 years ago, they made the first public release of FreeCol. Releases have, until now, been marked as alpha/beta. Now towards 2.0 (Colonization 2 "could have been").
Let's note that FreeCol downloads has long been counted in millions.
=> https://www.freecol.org/news/freecol-1.0.0-released.html
#libre #gaming #free #opensource #Colonization #FreeCol #simulation #strategy #adventure #MicroProse #retrogaming
#retrogaming #microprose #adventure #strategy #simulation #freecol #colonization #opensource #free #gaming #libre
Ich habe leider den #RetroMontag verpasst! Dann halt verspätet vielleicht mein liebster #Microprose-Flugsimulator:
Einschleichen - Fotografieren - Abhauen - Es war nie jemand da.
Wer von euch verspürte diesen Nervenkitzel ebenfalls?
#MastoPrompt 2022-11-20
Soft, white flakes hover to the ground - unique, symmetrical crystals building a whole that lays a blanket of silence over the area.
A silver-golden sun comes out from behind a sea of clouds, causing the snow to glisten in rainbow colours.
Muted #sniffles of passers-by and the muffled sound of children laughing in the distance.
#writingcommunity #writingcommunitysurvivors #MicroFiction #MicroProse
#mastoprompt #sniffles #writingcommunity #writingcommunitysurvivors #microfiction #microprose
The fridge whirring in the background, lights all on in the mid-day. The house and inhabitants pregnant with the impending onslaught of blistering ice and snow. Calm.
#blizzard #firstblizzardoftheyear #winter #shortprose #microprose
#microprose #shortprose #winter #firstblizzardoftheyear #blizzard
RT @retroguybry
It’s always nice when a box full of games arrives! 🙂 #Commodore64 #C64 #Retrogames #Microprose
#commodore64 #c64 #retrogames #microprose
Sid Meier's 1980s Command series arrives on Steam tomorrow - https://www.rockpapershotgun.com/sid-meiers-1980s-command-series-arrives-on-steam-tomorrow #DecisionInTheDesert #ConflictInVietnam #CrusadeInEurope #microprose #Strategy #SidMeier #Atari
#DecisionInTheDesert #ConflictInVietnam #CrusadeInEurope #microprose #strategy #SidMeier #atari
Diegetic war wager Carrier Command 2 will have a VR mode - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/LNMkq6tPBII/diegetic-war-wager-carrier-command-2-will-have-a-vr-mode #CarrierCommand2 #microprose #Indie
#CarrierCommand2 #microprose #indie
HighFleet is just the start of Microprose's retro sim revival - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/lBILYk4HG2s/highfleet-is-just-the-start-of-microproses-retro-sim-revival #CarrierCommand2 #TinyCombatArena #microprose #Simulation #HighFleet
#CarrierCommand2 #TinyCombatArena #microprose #simulation #HighFleet
HighFleet will flip its switches on Steam on July 27th - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/hAjMePeYszo/highfleet-will-flip-its-switches-on-steam-on-july-27th #KonstantinKoshutin #microprose #HighFleet
#KonstantinKoshutin #microprose #HighFleet
Preview: HighFleet is a massive, smoke-belching slab of air combat which somehow keeps itself in the sky - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/9gUQIYkGT4k/preview-highfleet-is-a-massive-smoke-belching-slab-of-air-combat-which-somehow-keeps-itself-in-the-sky #KonstantinKoshutin #Dieselpunk #microprose #HighFleet #Feature #Preview
#KonstantinKoshutin #dieselpunk #microprose #HighFleet #feature #preview
Sid Meier: More than Just Civilization: an overview of his work and his life based on the recent Memoir he published: https://boilingsteam.com/sid-meier-more-than-just-civilization/ #linux #gaming #microprose #firaxis #sidmeier #civilization #pirates #tycoon #cpubach
#gaming #microprose #firaxis #civilization #pirates #tycoon #cpubach #linux #sidmeier
HighFleet has the most gorgeous menu switches - http://feedproxy.google.com/~r/RockPaperShotgun/~3/Aoz0Zf05PuU/highfleet-has-the-most-gorgeous-menu-switches #KonstantinKoshutin #microprose #HighFleet
#KonstantinKoshutin #microprose #HighFleet
RT @micro_prose
One thing people remember about #microprose – besides the engrossing simulations – is how past games required users to enter a code word (sometimes corresponding to a pic) from the manual as an anti-piracy measure. From which 1985 title do these codes come? #triviachallengesunday
#microprose #triviachallengesunday