Of the space I've managed to get working so far, the parts I like least of #ros2 and #microros arise from a convention of skipping the minimal project template (a "hello world") in favor of encouraging starting from one of several demos, checked out from git, as a functional template.
Finished printing and assembling this right in time for the holidays. Now only waiting for omniwheels from @RobotShop@twitter.com, hope they are back in stock soon. This will be a 3-(Omni)wheeled #microros robot I'll be working on in 2023.
#microros #arduino #feetech #ros #robotics
My new #RaspberryPiPico s with WiFi arrived today. 😬
I'm planning to run Micro-Ros on them.
#RaspberryPiPico #ros #microros #raspberrypi