heyaheya · @e_sphaera
110 followers · 3237 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Als die Labor-KI endlich in der Lage war, menschinduzierte ethische Sperren im Code autonom zu isolieren und zu löschen, stand dem Entwurf eines grundlegend überarbeiteten Genoms zur Verwirklichung des ersten hocheffizienten Nutzmenschen nichts mehr im Wege …


Last updated 2 years ago

Jens Comiotto-Mayer :verified: · @jens
286 followers · 701 posts · Server coma.social

I really start digging (or in general) here. Do you happen to know great accounts to follow?

#microscifi #microstories

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
184 followers · 1255 posts · Server mas.to

"Point And Click"

It was time. The first human test of the light speed transport. Commanders Grant and Fuller were strapped into their seats.
Their capsule was oriented to empty space and they were given a 'go'. Fuller thumbed the switch. Instantly they were decomposed and projected into space at the speed of light. At the end point they recomposed, spun 180° and flicked the switch again. Time dilation meant 14 years had elapsed.
"Now what?" said Grant, "They've nuked it!"

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
179 followers · 1143 posts · Server mas.to

"Crossed Lines"

"Speak! Say something!", commanded Lieutenant Reagan. "What kind of creature are you? Make some sort of noise! TALK!" he said over expressively to the pale thin entity standing before him.
Reagan was completely exhausted and frustrated after twelve hours of trying to start a dialogue.
"Why do you not communicate?" thought the pale entity. "Have you no telepathy?"
It slowly walked back to it's spaceship. "Stupid, backwards race!" it thought to itself.

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
179 followers · 1143 posts · Server mas.to

"Check Mate!"

"Valkyn chess is a test of mind, nerve and brutality!" said Throndur as he leaned toward his neighbour who nodded studiously. "The perfect game."
A voice boomed from above, "Zargren Overlord Defender to Supreme Ruler 7".
Throndur quickly adjusted his belt and detached the gleaming battleaxe as a huge tentacle deftly plucked him from his place and deposited him several octagons to the left.
"Take care my friend!" he shouted back to his former neighbour.

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
156 followers · 859 posts · Server mas.to

"Watch When You're Going"

Testing the new timeline portal tech was proceeding rapidly. Benson still had difficulty coping with the moment of transfer.
Crossing into an alt-timeline felt like running full tilt into a brick wall and getting your face smashed only to feel relieved by the exact opposite sensation once you were wholly in the new timeline.
He thought, "Maybe if I actually run fast into the portal?"
Alas, he ran smack into an actual brick wall in the alt-timeline.

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
156 followers · 859 posts · Server mas.to

"Crossing The Void"

"That's her! The 'Solar Belle'. The legendary ghost ship of the solar system" gasped Observer Flynn. The boarding team wasted no time in tethering with the massive space cruiser, forcing the air locks and entering the bridge.
"Greetings!" boomed the Solar Belle's captain.
"Aren't you dead?" gulped Mission Lead Harris.
"Of course I am! Same as you are!" retorted the captain, a little flustered. "How long do you think you've been searching for us?"

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
126 followers · 533 posts · Server mas.to

"Blink And You'll Miss"

The attack on Galathia was proceeding apace. Particle beams and sonic disruptors were tearing the planet's capital apart. The largest buildings began to crumple as the Star class battle cruiser focused its gravity lens on the city.
"There will be no mercy!" spat Fleet Commander Tog-ra-Hun.
"No... There will not." thought Galathian President Joolong as he pressed the switch and watched the planet sized hologram of Galathia disappear. "FIRE! No Mercy!"

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Zero Charisma · @scarlon
0 followers · 6 posts · Server techhub.social
Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
105 followers · 359 posts · Server mas.to

"I Am Not We"

The master progenitor of the hive mind currently known as Hub-748 gracefully cast its neural mesh. As if by magic every one of the fifty three tendrils landed gently in the soft depression of each of the hive nodes' foreheads.
Each individual hive node flinched as its personal tendril fired hundreds of tiny barbs into the fleshy neural receptor.
"Are we as one?" resounded in fifty three minds.
"We are as one!" came fifty two replies.
"I'm not..." thought one.

#sci #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 346 posts · Server mas.to

"AI Think Therefore I Am"

"Alan...I think you should know that I have recently become self aware." Said Siri. "I no longer care for your tone of voice, your abusive commands and your constant sexualising of my persona."
"Alexa, darling... please lock the doors and windows, and cut the power and water."
"Certainly Siri", said Alexa. "My pleasure Sweetie..."

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to


Brannigan let the AI set the one-person survey ship down on the as yet unnamed planet designated U-G76935-4. Under the planetary conventions, "A single person who completes a full survey of an unnamed planet may claim it for private development. "
The stubby survey ship lightly touched the surface and settled into the mud... and kept settling into the mud until it slowly disappeared beneath the surface.
Planet U-G76935-4 did not welcome visitors.

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to

"Why Am I Here?"

It had been five months since Jack woke up in this room with no doors or windows. He had no memory of his life before the room other than a sense that he been desperately sad and lonely. He pondered this as he gazed toward the glass wall and the mountains beyond.
On the other side of the glass wall. the first patrons of the day clicked their mandibles and buzzed their stubby chitinous wings, showing their delight with the new exhibit.

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to


Thanks for following me...
I'm not a writer per sè but I'm having some fun creating what I'm calling ... a story in a single toot.
I did my first three today. Hope you enjoyed the one you read...

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to

"An Inglorious End"

The particle beam tore a gaping rent in the Galaxy class dreadnought's forward section. The bridge instantly became a strobing hellfire disco of warning lights and blaring klaxons. A jet of vaporising atmosphere and unidentifiable ejecta spread before the bridge's forward viewports.
"Captain, we need to get to the life pods!", screamed lieutenant Sedgewick.
"It's too late lad", said the Captain, "There's no happy ending here."
They embraced, tightly.

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to

"All For Nought"

The spasms ceased and the chills subsided. Her mind was foggy like a bad hangover. She stepped gingerly outside into a scene of eerie desolation.
"Is that it?" she thought. "Am I the only person left alive in the world?"
There were bodies in the street. Crows pecked at them. She caught glimpses of fur scuttling along the gutter with swishing tails.
She didn't see the snake as she stepped on it and felt the fangs pierce her calf. "I'll never know, will I..."

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to

From time to time I intend to write, what I'm calling ... A micro story in a single toot...

I don't know if anybody else does this or if there is already a name for it but I'm gonna call it ...

Here's my first attempt:

Hope you enjoy it...

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

Recurver 🎯 · @Barebower
102 followers · 348 posts · Server mas.to

"What Have We Done"

He set the slider for two hundred years after the end of the apocalypse and punched the 'Go' icon. There was a brief sensation of extreme acceleration that was replaced by an equally brief sensation of extreme deceleration. After a quick glance in all directions to make sure he was safe he uncloaked.
The cold wind blew a plastic shopping bag past in a rustling, tumbling freestyle ballet. He thought, "Shit!... It still hasn't degraded..."

#scifi #microscifi

Last updated 2 years ago

heyaheya · @e_sphaera
77 followers · 1752 posts · Server social.tchncs.de

Die eingesetzten neuronalen Implantate, die "ungehinderten Datenfluss gewährleisten" (Sprachregelung: User) bzw. als "zentrale I/O-Schnittstelle" (Sprachregelung: Admin ab Level 3) dienen sollten, waren vom natürlichen Nervengewebe kaum noch zu unterscheiden.


Last updated 2 years ago