Nodding and grimacing at some of the truths in this eight-years-old-but-still-on-point article on #microservice risks. E.g. " may not realize where you need inter-service consistency until long after your system has been released to production, when it is relatively costly to change architecture in significant ways..."
Maybe it’s an API thing, to only allow one change at a time, and it has nothing to do with the #k8s #operator.
Maybe it’s a #microservice that handles all that business logic, which is consumed by the reconcile loop.
Maybe it just doesn’t work for level-based systems.
Not sure yet….
New version of my screenshot microservice Goggler: - enjoy. #golang #microservice
Microservice Anti-Pattern
Nach einigen Beiträgen zu Microservices soll in diesem Beitrag ein wenig über die Schattenseiten der Technologie berichtet werden. Insbesondere über Bad-Smells und Anti-Pattern, den falschen Lösungsansätzen, bei der Entwicklung eigener Microservices.
#AntiPattern #BestPractices #Java #Pattern #BadSmell #BoundedContext #CodeSmell #Microservice #Monolith
#antipattern #bestpractices #java #pattern #badsmell #boundedcontext #codesmell #microservice #monolith
Friendgineers: Monolith vs Microservice is NOT (only) an architecture question.
#friendgineers #monolith #microservice #deploy
📢 I highly recommend this book to anyone looking to learn about #microservice APIs and build them using #Python and web frameworks like #flask
Thanks to José Haro Peralta for the excellent job of covering the topic in depth while keeping the content clear and concise 👍
For those interested in API #mocking and #testing beyond REST and GraphQL though, additional tools like
@microcksio could be useful complements to the content in this book 😎
#microservice #python #flask #mocking #testing
In a micro service architecture, how do you handle failed calls to a service you depend on?
We did a hasty implementation that responded with a 504, but that gives unintended consequences in the client. Now we're back to just bailing with a 500 and an error message telling the caller that we couldn't reach a dependency. These are mostly internal APIs.
#microservice #development #architecture #http
#microservice #development #architecture #http
In my humble opinion a good #microservice has these characteristics:
#microservice #bestpractices #blogpost
「Amazonでさえサーバレスやマイクロサービスを理解できない」とDHH氏が主張する一方で、「進化可能なアーキテクチャこそ重要」とAmazonのVogels博士 - Publickey
>Building evolvable software systems is a strategy, not a religion. And revisiting your architectures with an open mind is a must.
#aws #architecture #serverless #microservice #strategy #cloud
#Cloud #strategy #microservice #serverless #architecture #AWS
Amazon not using their own lambda functions because it’s too expensive.
#aws #cloud #microservice #monolith
#monolith #microservice #cloud #aws
End of the line everyone gets off the hype train
#microservice #serverless #monolith
#microservice #serverless #monolith
Never been a great believer in the micro services architecture so pleased to see this article by amazon
#microservice #microservices #aws
#microservice #microservices #aws
သြော် သူတိုလည်း နောက်ဆုံးတော့ #microservice ဆိုတာ ဂျင်း မှန်း သိလိုက်ရတဲ့ Amazon ကိုယ်တိုင်ထဲက team တခုပါ 😆
Years ago, I had a moment of clarity.
Business information systems are composed of three kinds of things: entities, processes, and rules.
Processes are the verbs — the actions that operate on and orchestrate the interactions of business entities.
Learn more at
#Business #Entity #Process #Automation #BPMN #Model #Metis #Rule #Design #Data #Structure #Microservice #API #UI #UserInterface #Component #Diagram #Technology #Service #Collaboration #Agility #SelfService
#business #entity #process #automation #bpmn #model #metis #rule #design #data #structure #microservice #api #ui #userinterface #component #diagram #technology #service #collaboration #agility #selfservice
Preparando próximo post sobre #Apisix y #microservice
Cómo propogar con unas pocas líneas la información (interna) del usuario a los servicios una vez validado el JWT
Para ir abriendo boca, el repo con el código ya está actualizado:
Un bel article de qui nous propose de revenir sur les concepts clés des architectures #microservice
Published an updated version of Goggler - Website screenshot microservice that caches screenshots on disk or S3 storage #chrome #microservice #golang
#ITByte: What is #Event Sourcing #DesignPattern in #Microservice #Architecture? How does it work?
#architecture #microservice #designpattern #event #itbyte
Are you interested in how to avoid #microservice #observability traps? Here's my thoughts on this topic and how you can get more out of your #cloudnative #o11y.
#microservice #observability #cloudnative #o11y
The conventional microservice wisdom is to package business logic in a service and reuse it. But integration is hard. This talk is about the times Donald has under-estimated just how hard! This presentation will work through a case study based on some real projects Donald has been involved in over the years.
#DevConf #microservice #architecture #lessonslearned #softwaredelivery #softwaredevelopment #integration
#devconf #microservice #architecture #lessonslearned #softwaredelivery #softwaredevelopment #integration