Microsoft se zřejmě rozhodl, že Teams na Linuxu podporovat nebude:
- že nejede ve Firefoxu, na to jsem si už zvykl
- nově nejede ani pod Chrome, kde se na *bílém* pozadí objeví *bílý* text "Oops we hit an issue"
- stáhnout Desktop app nejde, odkaz dělá z uživatele blbečka
- yum či deb repo je prázdné
Jako, mají na nepodporu Linuxu právo, ale dělat z lidí blbce FAKT nemusí.
The best part about Microsoft Word in my experience was around 2005 using page "borders and shading" settings. Those styles were the best.
#word #microshit #microsoft
I feel like I've been using Microsoft Word for 20 years now, and it still surprises me how awful it is with handling Australian/UK spelling vs US spelling. Despite the fact that I have English Australian selected it still wants to correct "authorisation" to "authorization" and "colour" to "color". #microshit #microsoft #word
How to bypass using a m$ account during setup.
TLDR: shift-F10 in the setup screen, type
You're good even if it said sth like command not found.
If you're already at the microsoft acc login screen, press back at top left corner and tada, you'll be shown the local account setup instead.
#microsoft #antidesign #microshit
@thelinuxexperiment hmmm, replace linux? With #fuchsia? But why?
Couldn't they just write a new OS that's just separatenor do they want to base #chromeOS on this new one and allow it to be a full desktop OS that can run #wine and #steam?
Also really good news to see a #steamDeck competitor also running linux. More competition means more innovation. And if #microShit is replaced as the gaming OS... Dare I say it?
#microshit #SteamDeck #steam #wine #chromeos #fuchsia
Please don't forget the hashtag that best describes and condenses the virtues and merits of this company: #MicroShit