I am looking for a new job in transportation data science/engineering in Canada/US. I'm skilled in #rstats, #python, #microsimulation, driver behaviour and #traffic #modeling. Please send any relevant opportunities my way. Thanks in advance!
#rstats #python #microsimulation #traffic #modeling
RT @BFP_BE@twitter.com
Le Bureau fédéral du plan présente la publication sur MIDAS. Ce modèle de #microsimulation dynamique est utilisé pour calculer la soutenabilité sociale des #pensions en Belgique et a fait l'objet d’une révision majeure.
🔖We are now welcoming applications for a #researchfellow in the area of #demographic #modelling within the Connecting Generations project.
This post sits within the 'Modelling kinship' work package, led by Jason Hilton, with Jakub Bijak, Peter Smith & Eren Dodd at the University of #Southampton.
Apply: https://jobs.soton.ac.uk/Vacancy.aspx?ref=1966222CC
#socialscience #statistics #kinship #demography #population #generations #microsimulation #populationmodels #phd #maths #statistical #economics #computerscience
#researchfellow #demographic #modelling #southampton #socialscience #statistics #kinship #Demography #population #generations #microsimulation #populationmodels #phd #maths #statistical #economics #computerscience