I do like the journalism at #TheVerge
This is a proper story, neatly written by tomwarren@mastodon.world , not mixing fact with opinon and speculation
@davidpierce @nilaypatel
@thurrott @leo #WindowsWeekly #CMA #MicrosoftActivision #Gaming
#theverge #WindowsWeekly #cma #microsoftactivision #gaming
Call of Duty: Modern Warfare III
November 10
#CallOfDuty #MicrosoftActivision https://youtu.be/ITIcmA4Zwa8
#callofduty #microsoftactivision
#biden #pizzaburgers #linakhan #ftc #microsoftactivision #judgejacquelinescottcorley
Yesterday, I wrote about why the #FTC and #LinaKhan were right to try to block the #MicrosoftActivision merger, and I heard from a lot of people saying this merger was the only way to check #Sony's reign of terror over video games:
But replacing one monopolist with another isn't good for anyone (except the monopolists' shareholders). If we want audiences and workers - and society - to benefit, we have to *de-monopolize* the sector.
#ftc #linakhan #microsoftactivision #sony
Microsoft Activision Deal: US Judge Approves Microsoft’s $69 Billion Acquisition of Activision, FTC Granted Until July 14 for Potential Appeal Continue Reading https://thewatchbuddy.com/2023/07/11/microsoft-activision-deal-us-judge-approves-microsofts-69-billion-acquisition-of-activision-ftc-granted-until-july-14-for-potential-appeal/
#microsoft #activision #FTC #microsoftactivision
#microsoft #activision #ftc #microsoftactivision
Heard its #followfriday …I’m a run of the mill nerd that grew up as an 80s/90s kid and became a triple dad. My nerd tendencies remain and I’m interested in the video game industry (That Microsoft + Activision Blizzard merger is fascinating!) and I love tech!! #MicrosoftActivision #Xbox
#followfriday #microsoftactivision #xbox