#PowerPoint co-creator Dennis Austin is dead at 76
#powerpoint #dennisaustin #microsoft #microsoftoffice #tech
Save Hundreds on the Microsoft Office Pro and Windows 11 Pro Bundle
Check it out! 👇
#microsoft #windows #microsoftoffice #Deals
heise+ | Tastenkürzel: Microsoft Office unter Windows und macOS per Tastatur bedienen
Gut für den Arbeitsfluss: Statt mit dem Mauszeiger in den Office-Menüleisten herumzustochern, nutzen Sie Tastenkombinationen für die meist genutzten Funktionen.
#macos #microsoftoffice #windows #news
@failedLyndonLaRouchite @JenMorency #LibreOffice costs even less, and honestly, it's also a lot less frustrating and hostile than #MicrosoftOffice. The #enshittification of the latter has become severe.
#LibreOffice #microsoftoffice #enshittification
#MicrosoftOffice 使うのはまだ分かるけど #OpenOffice 使ってるのを見たりすると #LibreOffice って意外と知られてないのかなと思ったりする… :tony_neutral:
#microsoftoffice #openoffice #libreoffice
How to integrate #PDF document into .docx in #MicrosoftOffice ? Use #LibreOffice to convert it to .emf and if the conversation is ok, you can include it.
Or open the document using #LibreOffice to include it. Save in .docx, re-open in word et voilà !
#libreoffice #microsoftoffice #pdf
@fwam @fosserytech
a) I don't let anyone police my toots. #DealWithIt!
b) IDK what kind of files you use but I've never had issues with #OpenDocument and the only.issues I ever had were caused by #MicrosoftOffice and/or #OOXML.
#ooxml #microsoftoffice #opendocument #dealwithit
EU-Kartellverfahren: Microsoft entbündelt Teams
Microsoft 365 und Office 365 sollen künftig ohne Teams zu haben sein. Microsoft will damit Bedenken der EU-Kommission ausräumen.
#EU #Collaboration #Microsoft #MicrosoftTeams #MicrosoftOffice #news
#eu #collaboration #microsoft #microsoftteams #microsoftoffice #news
Betanews: Microsoft is unbundling Teams from Microsoft 365 and Office 365 to address European antitrust concerns https://betanews.com/2023/08/31/microsoft-is-unbundling-teams-from-microsoft-365-and-office-365-to-address-european-antitrust-concerns/ #EuropeanCommission #MicrosoftOffice #MicrosoftTeams #Microsoft365 #Microsoft #Office365 #Article
#europeancommission #microsoftoffice #microsoftteams #microsoft365 #microsoft #office365 #article
Maybe useful to someone ....
Get a lifetime license to Microsoft Office for under £40 https://mashable.com/uk/deals/best-microsoft-office-lifetime-deal 💻 #Microsoft #MicrosoftOffice
18 Microsoft Teams apps for content collaboration and management - Hundreds of apps are available for Microsoft Teams that make it easier for you and you... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3704133/microsoft-teams-apps-content-collaboration-management.html#tk.rss_all #smallandmediumbusiness #collaborationsoftware #productivitysoftware #microsoftoffice #microsoftteams #microsoft365 #officesuites
#officesuites #microsoft365 #microsoftteams #microsoftoffice #productivitysoftware #collaborationsoftware #smallandmediumbusiness
Microsoft launches native integration for Python in Excel
Check it out! 👇
@fsfe Why does the EU parliament depend on #MicrosoftOffice and is still using the potentially compromised #AzureCloud infrastructure due to the #Storm0558 hack?!
– Because it's easier to trust #Microsoft without asking any critical questions. Additionally, from a user's perspective it's inconvenient to learn the fundamental concepts of using word processing, spreadsheet and presentation software rather than getting product training.
This already starts in elementary school and #Google, #Apple, #Facebook, and #Amazon are no better. #BigTech will always find a way to lock-in and exploit its users while putting their digital identity and assets on the game.
#PublicMoneyPublicCode should be a law.
#publicmoneypubliccode #bigtech #amazon #facebook #apple #google #microsoft #storm0558 #azurecloud #microsoftoffice
How (and why) to use conditional formatting in Excel - Spreadsheets usually hold a wealth of information, but it can be difficult to see what... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3704733/how-and-why-to-use-conditional-formatting-in-excel.html#tk.rss_all #smallandmediumbusiness #collaborationsoftware #productivitysoftware #microsoftoffice #microsoft365 #officesuites
#officesuites #microsoft365 #microsoftoffice #productivitysoftware #collaborationsoftware #smallandmediumbusiness
How to Move Outlook's Toolbar From the Side to the Bottom
Check it out! 👇
#Productivity #MicrosoftOffice #Windows #Windows #MicrosoftOutlook #Microsoft
#productivity #microsoftoffice #windows #microsoftoutlook #microsoft
When we look at #GoogleChrome and other #CCSS like #Windows and #MicrosoftOffice or even #Zoom the correct reaction to horrible #ToS is simple:
Refuse to use them in lieu of #FLOSS alternatives.
Espechally since there is no legal mandate to use then!
#FLOSS #tos #Zoom #microsoftoffice #Windows #ccss #googlechrome
Patch Tuesday: Microsoft rolls out 90 updates for Windows, Office - With its August Patch Tuesday release, Microsoft pushed out 90 updates for the Windows... - https://www.computerworld.com/article/3704493/patch-tuesday-microsoft-rolls-out-90-updates-for-windows-office.html#tk.rss_all #smallandmediumbusiness #microsoftoffice #microsoft #security #windows
#windows #security #microsoft #microsoftoffice #smallandmediumbusiness
Save 84% on Lifetime Access to Microsoft Word, PowerPoint, and More
Check it out! 👇
iX-Workshop: Sichere Konfiguration von M365 (10% Frühbucherrabatt)
Lernen Sie effektive Methoden kennen, um Microsofts Office-Paket technisch gegen Angriffe aus der Cloud abzusichern. Mit 10 % Rabatt bis 22. August.
#microsoft #microsoftoffice #security #news
Today I learned that data forms were a thing in #Microsoft #Excel.
#microsoft #excel #microsoftoffice #office