Gestohlener Cloud-Master-Key: #Microsoft schweigt – so fragen Sie selbst | Security #Exchange #MicrosoftExchange #Teams #MicrosoftTeams #SharePoint #MicrosoftSharePoint
#microsoft #exchange #microsoftexchange #teams #microsoftteams #sharepoint #microsoftsharepoint
Microsoft 365 outage takes out OneDrive for Business, SharePoint Online - In yet another Microsoft 365 outage this year, enterprise users faced disruptions in t... - #microsoftsharepoint #microsoft365 #microsoft
#microsoft #microsoft365 #microsoftsharepoint
Microsoft refreshes SharePoint and OneDrive with Copilot integration - Microsoft has announced a host of new innovations for SharePoint and OneDrive, includi... - #artificialintelligence #microsoftsharepoint #chatbots
#chatbots #microsoftsharepoint #artificialintelligence
How to build a simple #Teams Inventory?
An Inventory of all Collaboration-Containers within your organization can be an important tool for #governance.
In my latest blog article, I share step-by-step instructions on how you could use #Azure #LogicApps and #SharePoint #Lists to create a simple overview for all Teams in your #Microsoft365 Tenant.
#teams #governance #azure #logicapps #sharepoint #lists #microsoft365 #microsoft #microsoftteams #msteams #microsoftsharepoint
I've been working with Azure App Registrations and Azure Functions that talk to SharePoint. Here is an article I put together with the full process of creating an Azure App Registration and creating and configuring an Azure App Function that talks to SharePoint. Also, how to debug locally and even call it from Power Automate.
#MicrosoftAzure #PowerAutomate #microsoftsharepoint
Microsoft Patch Tuesday, Sept. 2020 Edition - Microsoft today released updates to remedy nearly 130 security vulnerabilities in its Windows operat... #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2020 #microsoftexchangeserver #microsoftsharepoint #zerodayinitiative #cve-2020-16875 #recordedfuture #securitytools #cve-2020-1210 #dustinchilds #timetopatch #toddschell #alanliska #tenable #ivanti
#ivanti #tenable #alanliska #toddschell #timetopatch #dustinchilds #securitytools #recordedfuture #cve #zerodayinitiative #microsoftsharepoint #microsoftexchangeserver #microsoftpatchtuesdayseptember2020
Zero Day Initiative Bug Hunters Rake in $1.5M in 2019 - Microsoft OS flaws, out-of-bounds reads, ICS gear and a record number of high-severity bugs marked... more: #microsoftsharepoint #zerodayinitiative #outofboundsreads #vulnerabilities #mobilesecurity #websecurity #2019totals #reportcard #bugbounty #payments #hacks #iot #ics #zdi
#zdi #ics #iot #hacks #payments #bugbounty #reportcard #2019totals #websecurity #mobilesecurity #vulnerabilities #outofboundsreads #zerodayinitiative #microsoftsharepoint
U.N. Hack Stemmed From Microsoft SharePoint Flaw - Reportedly, the bug wasn't patched, leading to a data breach in July. more: #microsoftsharepoint #vulnerabilities #governmentdata #sharepointflaw #unitednations #vulnerability #undatabreach #government #databreach #microsoft #exploit #breach #unhack #hacks #un
#un #hacks #unhack #breach #exploit #microsoft #databreach #government #undatabreach #vulnerability #unitednations #sharepointflaw #governmentdata #vulnerabilities #microsoftsharepoint