Jenseits von #WorkingOutLoud / #WOL und #lernos denke und forsche ich gerade zu Kleingruppenkonzepten und #LearningCircle|s, die neben Zielverwirklichung viel stärker auch auf geschützte Räume und emotionalen Support fokussieren.
Einen hervorragenden Grundlagenartikel zum Einstieg habe ich bei #JoeLightfoot gefunden:
Eine weiteren guten Einstieg ins Thema bietet das Konzept #MicroSolidarity von #RichardBartlett:
#WorkingOutloud #wol #lernOS #LearningCircle #lernenimwandel #joelightfoot #radicalbelonging #microsolidarity #richardbartlett
Wow, didn't know about #MicroSolidarity so far, thanks for this pointer.
@james @Postobject @tasshinfogleman
RT A handful of #socialeating, a bunch of #publiclivingrooms, spice with #TomorrowTodayStreets, simmer with #TransitionStreets & bake with #microsolidarity. Serve w/ & #coops
#coops #microsolidarity #TransitionStreets #TomorrowTodayStreets #publiclivingrooms #socialeating
This is great! How had I not come across before!? cc & whose #TomorrowTodayStreets & #microsolidarity stuff compliment's #PeerGroups "growing themselves, together" nicely
#PeerGroups #microsolidarity #TomorrowTodayStreets
...and so I've added a pull request to add #FutureConversations to the #Microsolidarity page about Crewing Practices here :) (although it's good for groups lager than 8 too)
#microsolidarity #FutureConversations
Really enjoyed the first session of's #FutureConversations 6 week online course this morning hosted by & Felt like I was back on the wonderful #Microsolidarity course I did with & Nati😊...
#microsolidarity #FutureConversations
@christianbundy I'm not really sure if it's the sort of thing you're thinking of at all, but I'm digging #microsolidarity stuff atm
Just published a new issue of my newsletter with many exciting updates from the #microsolidarity project plus the 5 most striking podcasts I've listened to in the past couple months:
The unbelievably obvious but unfortunately rare insight in #microsolidarity is that if you want to shift power dynamics for millions or billions of people, you need to organise exponentially. Attend to the imperceptibly gradual first steps and then just keep R0 >1.
This post about trust was shared through the #microsolidarity practice course I'm taking part in this week.
It breaks down trust into 3 categories of trust networks:
1) relational
2) functional
3) flow of value trust
Found these to be helpful in thinking about the times where discussions around trust seemed to miss their mark and am now realizing perhaps we were talking about different networks of trust!
Great to meet a fellow member @emi on the #Microsolidarity practice course 😄 thanks to @naticonrazon @richdecibels for hosting :)
Here's a new community of practice which you could call a kinda #integral #microsolidarity congregation, hosted by
Currently accepting new applications for membership.
Cool! a public #microsolidarity event, not hosted by me
> Making Microsolidarity in Maastricht
> Online: May 30, 5pm CEST
A participatory presentation from one of the founders of a new mutual aid community in the Netherlands:
New #microsolidarity conversation just published:
Bea + Josh are starting a new congregation in Maastricht; they shared their plans w/ me and, and we shared our reflections and advice.
Just published a new #microsolidarity convo:
Karl is launching a new community of practice. I give him feedback on the plan. Then we get curious about our interior states.
truly excited to share this conversation I had a couple days ago with Ari DeLashmutt
deep dive into the personal and interpersonal work I think some of y'all are feeling called to do, alongside me, in this weird historic moment #microsolidarity
truly excited to share this conversation I had a couple days ago with Ari DeLashmutt
deep dive into the personal and interpersonal work I think some of y'all are feeling called to do, alongside me, in this weird historic moment #microsolidarity
Just published a backlog of 3 different conversations about #microsolidarity.
This is not a podcast for general consumption, it's more like an audio/video research diary for other practitioners to dip into.
I found fresh insight & connection doing this simple relational practice w this week:
- he speaks for 7min about his inner world
- I reflect back for 2min
- then we switch
Call a friend and try a little #microsolidarity today 😻
People live longer with #microsolidarity