@ramonita @SnugAsABugInARug @arzi not to mention that said data was collected without consent and we're not talking about something that is "#advertising-financed" and thus relies on #microtargeting people...
People already #paid for said #Hardware (and thus accompaining #Software) with real money!!!
It's not even "technically necessary" nor will it "improve the product" (something that one can claim on the only minimally worse #GeforceExperience Software)...
#geforceexperience #Software #Hardware #paid #microtargeting #advertising
@RandomHost tjese people are #consoomers that have been groomed into #TechIlliteracy, #ignorance and being general assholes thanks to #microtargeting...
#microtargeting #ignorance #techilliteracy #consoomers
#YouTube hat ja nur noch Schrott wenn mensch sich nicht per Account dem #microtargeting unterwirft...
Musik mit #sexistisch|en #Clickbait-#Thumbnails, #Tankie- [#Zarenknecht / #Wagenknecht] und #NSAfD - #Propaganda sowie #Werbesendungen die nicht als solches gekennzeichnet sind...
Die #Gamestar - Review zu #BattleBitRemastered ist da mit Abstand der beste #Content!
#content #battlebitremastered #gamestar #werbesendungen #Propaganda #nsafd #Wagenknecht #zarenknecht #tankie #thumbnails #clickbait #sexistisch #microtargeting #YouTube
Referenced link: https://phys.org/news/2023-06-microtargeting-people.html
Discuss on https://discu.eu/q/https://phys.org/news/2023-06-microtargeting-people.html
Originally posted by Phys.org / @physorg_com: http://nitter.platypush.tech/physorg_com/status/1671264189485047808#m
Study: #Microtargeting works, just not the way people think @MIT @PNASNews https://pnas.org/doi/10.1073/pnas.2216261120 https://phys.org/news/2023-06-microtargeting-people.html
@Frederik_Borgesius people not on Facebook were probably not reached very much.
#tech #ai #politics #law #advertising #microtargeting #adtech #democracy
#tech #ai #politics #law #advertising #microtargeting #adtech #democracy
Research by Tom Dobber e.a. shows that different political parties pay different amounts for advertising on Facebook and Instagram. Also, some audiences are not reached as well as others.
‘Uit wetenschappelijk onderzoek blijkt dat verschillende politieke partijen verschillende bedragen betalen voor adverteren via Facebook en Instagram. Ook worden sommige doelgroepen minder goed bereikt dan andere.’ https://www.ftm.nl/artikelen/online-jacht-op-stemmen-algoritme-zoekt-kiezer?share=rdUO3JY4OIGaYbFI4ZC4GfdZYTUJKEmhrFd9ov%2BL%2BOlCxopBm4wk%2B%2Fs7sWWtcQY%3D #tech #ai #politics #law #advertising #microtargeting #adtech #democracy
#Tech #ai #politics #law #advertising #microtargeting #adtech #democracy
@kuketzblog das überrascht mich kaum, geht es dabei doch nur um #Microtargeting und idividualisierter #Datensammlung welche zuvor nur #GfK und ähnlich große Institute leisten konnten...
Bei Kauf zu allgemeinen Aktionen und Angeboten ist die Ersparnis schon geringer...
#GFK #datensammlung #microtargeting
Ich erwarte, daß die KI dann auch die #Produktion übernimmt. Sollte mit gängiger Deep-Fake-Technik kein Ding mehr sein.
Auch hier stehen wir an der Tür zum #Microtargeting, also #Filmkitsch mit personalisierten #Stories und individuellem #Produktplacement.
#influencerpestade #produktplacement #stories #filmkitsch #microtargeting #produktion
#DataProtection #Privacy #Microtargeting #Adtech: "Nearly three years ago we launched Blacklight, an online tool that allows users to enter any website and find out what tracking technologies are present and who gets the visitor data they collect.
This month, Blacklight hit a significant milestone: The tool has successfully conducted more than 10 million scans. Seven million of those scans were completed in just this past year.
Blacklight was created with one guiding premise: that it would be more powerful to show people, in real time, how they were being tracked online than to merely tell them such tracking was happening."
#dataprotection #privacy #microtargeting #adtech
#Google #BigTech #AdTech #Algorithms #AI #Microtargeting #ML: "By incorporating the sophistication of using generative algorithms of various kinds, Google goes a step further in personalizing advertising: given that the statistical procedures and correlations carried out by these algorithms are, in most cases, a black box that nobody can interpret, we’ll see what we encounter as their use becomes more popular: no more campaigns trying to reach people through different channels, but instead different ads for different profiles, algorithmically conceptualized and recombined based on any aspect of their behavior.
What worries me is that this algorithm uses variables it should not, either because they are supplied directly or because it is able to infer them through the appropriate statistical procedures. If being bombarded by certain ads already makes many people feel paranoid, knowing that their devices are spying on them will cause even greater unease as an ad seems to have read their mind, which is what it will feel like when a generative algorithm is involved. This isn’t going to end well."
#google #bigtech #adtech #algorithms #ai #microtargeting #ml
Weapons of Mass Persuasion: Tracing the Story of Psychological Targeting on #SocialMedia
(Political) #microtargeting works, and people cannot defend themselves against #persuasion attacks when they don’t know they are being targeted.
Private firms now offer digital #propaganda services on behalf of political entities in at least 48 countries around the world.
We need psychological immunization to protect people from harmful online #manipulation.
#manipulation #propaganda #persuasion #microtargeting #socialmedia
#AdTech #Surveillance #Microtargeting #DataProtection #BigTech #Privacy: "This is not to defend targeted behavioural advertising and its tangible, negative consequences. Nevertheless, as we celebrate the death of one toxic business model, we must keep our guard up lest we usher in something potentially just as, or even more, problematic in its place. It’s also an example of how focusing on data distracts us from what’s really at stake in the context of commercialized digital tools and technologies: manipulation, discrimination, harassment, exclusion, and more.
In fact, rather than a “business” model of any kind, we need an alternative to the private sector’s control over large-scale communities for communicating, interacting and organizing.
In other words, as we rightfully dismantle harmful behavioural advertising practices, we should focus our efforts on building sustainable, digital public infrastructure — infrastructure that is underpinned by incentives aligned with core democratic values and human rights. Without it, we risk replacing a bad business model with one that’s even worse."
#adtech #surveillance #microtargeting #dataprotection #bigtech #privacy
If It’s Advertised to You Online, You Probably Shouldn’t Buy It. Here’s Why.
#MicroTargeting #Advertising #Media
(gift link)
#microtargeting #advertising #media
#Ads #Adtech #Microtargeting #Surveillance #Privacy: "Specifically, stuff that's pushed to you via targeted ads costs an average of 10 percent more, and it significantly more likely to come from a vendor with a poor rating from the Better Business Bureau. This may seem trivial and obvious, but it's got profound implications for media, commercial surveillance, and the future of the internet."
#ads #adtech #microtargeting #surveillance #privacy
#USA #Healthcare #DataProtection #Privacy #Microtargeting: "To be sure, Phreesia might argue that targeted ads are useful because they could make patients aware of a hitherto unknown cure, and that is a core part of their business value proposition to investors. Indeed, Phreesia’s SEC filing notes that, “patients exposed to a brand campaign using the Phreesia Platform are over four and a half times more likely, on average, to have a prescription filled for that product than control patients.” But if there’s a medication I should consider, isn’t my provider equipped to make that recommendation without involving advertisers?"
#usa #healthcare #dataprotection #privacy #microtargeting
#AdTech #Microtargeting #Privacy #DataProtection #Surveillance: "Tech firms track nearly every click from website to website, develop detailed profiles of your interests and desires and make that data available to advertisers. That’s why you get those creepy ads in your Instagram feed or on websites that seem to know what you were just talking about.
The ability to track people has turned out to be an unbeatable advantage for the online ad industry, which has grown to a $540 billion market worldwide, according to the media agency GroupM, dwarfing all other forms of advertising, including TV, radio and newspapers. It has propelled the massive growth of Google and Facebook as well as hundreds of so-called ad tech firms that serve as intermediaries between the buyers and sellers of targeting information.
But the rise of microtargeting has come with a staggering price tag. “There is limited evidence to suggest that the efficiency and efficacy gains to advertisers and publishers of this system outweighs the societal impact,” concludes a 274-page study published by the European Commission this year. It calls for reforming the surveillance business model."
#adtech #microtargeting #privacy #dataprotection #surveillance
Binge gerade "The good Fight" und bin in Staffel drei.
Eine spitzen #Serie. Ist so eine Art #BostonLegal mit dem Unterschied, dass die damaligen Hypothesen nun real sind.
Trotz des Werteverfalls in der Welt, die einem mit geballter Faust trifft, handelt es sich auch um eine sehr lehrreiche Serie.
#microtargeting #fakenews etc. werden anschaulich erklärt und auch wie unsere Demokratie gefährdet wird.
#fakenews #microtargeting #BostonLegal #serie
#Microtargeting: Datenschutz-Lobby beschwert sich über deutsche Parteien | heise online https://www.heise.de/news/Microtargeting-Datenschutz-Lobby-beschwert-sich-ueber-deutsche-Parteien-7601521.html #DSGVO #Werbung #MetaPlatforms #Facebook #Datenschutz #privacy #GDPR #advertising @noybeu
#advertising #gdpr #privacy #datenschutz #facebook #MetaPlatforms #werbung #dsgvo #microtargeting
AfD, CDU, SPD, Grüne & Co. haben potenziellen Wählern personalisierte Anzeigen mit Wahlversprechen vorgesetzt.
Sie konnten die Nutzer nur auswählen, "weil Facebook im Hintergrund deren politische Ansichten ausgewertet hatte".
#Microtargeting: Datenschutz-Lobby beschwert sich über deutsche Parteien
Der Datenschutzverein Noyb kritisiert CDU, SPD, Grüne & Co. Für deren Facebook-Werbung seien politische Ansichten der Nutzer ausgewertet worden.