Life in the Hinterland is fun โฆ. and rewarding
I came across a purpose built cubby house in a tree of a sprawling private estate. The tree also doubled as a park your bike on the tree limb (why and why not). Their mailbox is also unique in that theyโve re-used their old microwave oven to serve as a new letterbox (genius) ๐๐ป
#Hinterland #CountryLiving #LargeEstates #Trees #Nature #CubbyHouseInTree #PushBikeOnTreeLimb #MicrowaveOvenServesAsLetterbox #NSW #NorthernRivers
#hinterland #countryliving #largeestates #trees #nature #cubbyhouseintree #pushbikeontreelimb #microwaveovenservesasletterbox #nsw #northernrivers