Mardi, avant que tout ne s'accélère pour cette rentrée, nous avons fait un petit tour à Sarrant, un charmant petit village médiéval animé par la librairie-tartinerie "Des livres et vous", la maison de l'illustration, une boutique de créateurs, quelques artistes et artisans, un marché des potiers, des concerts dans l'église.
#sarrant #village #gers #villagedefrance #tourisme #medieval #illustration #villagedart #artisan #artiste #tourism #middleage #artist #exposition #exhibition
#sarrant #village #gers #villagedefrance #tourisme #medieval #illustration #villagedart #artisan #artiste #tourism #middleage #artist #exposition #exhibition
Birthday weekend, day 3: I have pinched a nerve in my shoulder, due to sleeping in. #middleage
(Day 2 was vampires and cheese rolls :ghost_asexual: :Blobhaj_Thanks_Love: :rainbow_creature: )
I’m reconsidering the thing I was considering 😊 #MiddleAge #Predictable
“I have a dodgy knee and some grey in my beard, but this is the first time I have felt genuinely old. I have mastered a skill that’s completely obsolete, like being a knocker-upper or a leech collector and, though I’ve got a lot more employment options than a 19th-century textile worker, it doesn’t feel good.”
M'era Luna 2023
#youtube_arteconcert #arte #arteconcert #festival #meraluna #goth #rock #alternativerock #synthrock #middleage #electro #metal
#youtube_arteconcert #arte #arteconcert #festival #meraluna #goth #rock #alternativerock #synthrock #middleage #electro #metal
Beaverton: Classic Canadian indie rock albums ranked by how old it makes you feel to see them called ‘classic’ #satire #canada #commentary #TheNewPornographers #BrokenSocialScene #CityandColour #TeganandSara #arcadefire #SamRoberts #indierock #middleage #Beavfeed #Culture #Metric #Feist #music #Sloan #stars #youth #old
#satire #Canada #commentary #thenewpornographers #brokensocialscene #cityandcolour #teganandsara #arcadefire #samroberts #indierock #middleage #Beavfeed #Culture #metric #Feist #music #sloan #stars #youth #old
Sorry kids, you’re going to have to get used to your dad Martin Goodman’ing it round the house. It’s a revelation!
I believe I may be the *youngest* person in tonight's #CypherCon game. This hasn't happened in a *long* time...
#cyphercon #cyphersystem #ttrpg #middleage
I'm starting to feel like a 120 mL serving of #rice (uncooked) is too much for me, and maybe I need to start cutting it back to just 90 mL, or 1/2 gō. #middleage #おばさん
29 de Julio de 1014 las tropas del Imperio Búlgaro del zar Samuel son derrotadas por el ejército bizantino de Basilio II en la Batalla de Clidio. Tras la batalla los prisioneros búlgaros fueron cegados y mandado de vuelta a su tierra guiados por un tuerto. #efemérides #bulgaria #bizancio #clide #history #historia #middleage
#middleage #historia #history #clide #bizancio #bulgaria #efemerides
#exercise #middleage #cholesterol #climatechange
T-shirt in July. We typically get warm July days like this before a big cold front. Now we just get warm July days without the front.
Twenty stair runs, then the usual walk/run to the bank and walk/run home. Didn't quite feel as strong today as some days - which is just the normal ebb and flow.
Only 27 minutes of effort but I really push my heart rate the whole time. Thanks to Marion, Jess and Spence for the insights on better eating and more strenuous exercise. ✌️🏃
#exercise #middleage #cholesterol #climatechange
Way to make me feel old... #MiddleAge #Myst #GetOffMyLawn
#middleage #MYST #getoffmylawn
Question for vegan and fitness people. Hello, out there.
I am middle aged, generally fit, diet good
Am having a life turnaround and really on a heath drive. (The details are too boring)
I am doing more resistance training.
I am eating vegetable high/carotenoids
So folks, I need protein
How do veg high resistance trainers get a good protein source to get some healthy lean muscle?
#diet #fitness #plantbased #over50 #middleage #health #nutrition #resistancetraining #vegetarian #vegan
#health #running #exercise #middleage
Love these stairs in Wentworth Street, Blackheath. I run up them twenty times every second day. From the top, I walk to the school then run hard to the old bank. Walk/jog home. Just walk and slow jog on other days. 30 to 60 mins each day. Lots of hugs & chats as I puff along.
Eight kilos lighter. Eating much less bread and more protein. No desserts or cakes. Small amount of dark choccy each day. No sugar or coffee. Feel fab. Blood pressure best its been in decades. My legs are so strong. And I've stuck to the new food regime for six months. 😊🏃
#health #running #exercise #middleage
mmmm Diabetes.
#slurpeeDay #711 #drinks #middleAge
#slurpeeday #drinks #middleage
Just got my own Costco membership, so I’ve entered that stage of my life… #costco #middleage
It's amazing how easily it is to turn Bonnie Tyler's song "Total Eclipse of the Heart" into a song about farting or sharting.
It's too easy. 🤣🤣
Honestly, I do love the song. I do. But I'm just a big kid inside. 😁😁
#gettingolder #middleage #funny #music
Am 22.7. und 23.7.23 veranstalten wir wieder ein Regenshooting.
Es geht vom Sport über Flashdance, Fantasy, Cosplay, HipHop, Yoga bis Burlesque
Infos unter
#regenshooting #regen #cosplay #flashdance #tanz #hiphop #sport #sports #fitness #crossfit #fantasy #middleage #medieval #burlesque #jgs #junggesellinnenabschied #boudoir #scarymovie #scary #horror #yoga #yogainspiration #poledance #yogaphotography
#regenshooting #regen #cosplay #flashdance #tanz #hiphop #sport #sports #fitness #crossfit #fantasy #middleage #medieval #burlesque #jgs #junggesellinnenabschied #boudoir #scarymovie #scary #horror #yoga #yogainspiration #poledance #yogaphotography
Older people hired as ‘money mules’ by gangs as cost of living crisis bites | Money | The Guardian
#costoflivingcrisis #CostOfSurvivingCrisis #Gangs #middleage #0lderPeople #MoneyMules #fraud #moneylaundering #GetRichQuickSchemes #FakeJobAds #TransactionalFraud #CIFAS #cryptocurrency
#MiddleAge is getting excited about finding the misplaced bottle of pain reliever. 😂