Ok, back in the office again after a great weekend in the #middleAges, with #MMitD, #MedievalMusicInTheDales
Didn't post anything while there (didn't use the phone/social media at all). Seemed wrong to stay connected that way, when the general vibe was more that one has to wait for the minstrels and troubadours to come by with the news of the world.
#earlymusic #medievalmusicinthedales #mmitd #middleages
Did you know that some #medieval countries did not know queens?
A variety of #European countries had two types of rulers in the #MiddleAges: those by marriage & those by their own right (descent). If a ruler ascended the #throne by their own right, they were crowned “#king” - no matter the #gender.
Examples: Jadwiga, King of Poland (1384-1399), Anna Jagiellon, King of Poland (1575-1587), Anjou Mária, King of Hungary & Croatia (1382-1385 & 1386-1395)
#women #history #gender #king #throne #middleages #european #medieval
The Beheaded Banker of Barcelona
#history #medieval #MiddleAges #covfefe
#covfefe #middleages #medieval #history
This week on The Boomerang. Enjoy!
"In The Manuscripts Club, Christopher de Hamel introduces us to a group of people who dedicated their lives to collecting medieval manuscripts. In other words, nerds."
@histodons @histodon @bookstodon #histodons #histodon #history #medieval #manuscript #middleages #nerd #nerds
#histodons #histodon #history #medieval #manuscript #middleages #nerd #nerds
If time permitted, I would tell you how Heinrich Heine, in his brilliant 1844 verse epic, Deutschland. Ein Wintermährchen (Germany. A Winter's Tale) mercilessly lampooned the superstition and chauvinism associated with the rebuilding of #Cologne Cathedral and the whole nationalist cult of the #MiddleAges in 19th-century Germany. Aber es wird spät.
Here is the title page of the rare first edition, & here's the digital text
#cologne #middleages #koln #architecture #medieval #germanistik
Now available in hardcover! Two volumes out, three more to go.
#moyenage #middleages #medieval #medievalodon #history #histodon #medievodon #medievalist @histodons @medievodons @editionscg
#moyenage #middleages #medieval #medievalodon #history #histodon #medievodon #medievalist
f you like the Middle Ages and love mysteries, check out my Matthew Cordwainer Medieval Mysteries series. https://www.amazon.com/s?k=matthew+cordwainer+medieval+mysteries&crid=1O604M3A277TL&sprefix=matthew+cordwaine%2Caps%2C85&ref=nb_sb_ss_ts-doa-p_1_17
#medieval #middleages #mysteries #books #bookstodon
Har tittat på #kingdomofheaven med sonen. Det är en helt okej film om man ser Director's Cut utgåvan (ser man på bio versionen not so much). Den är dock inte en film som är historiskt korrekt. Men det spelar mindre roll om den kan få någon att vilja veta mer om de historiska personerna. För mig är en bra historisk film en film som får åskådaren att vilja veta mer. Gör den det så har den enligt mig tjänat sitt syfte. #historia #medeltid #korstågen #crusades #middleages #History
#History #middleages #crusades #korstagen #medeltid #historia #kingdomofheaven
The #medieval East Gate in Delft, the Netherlands. Built round 1400.
It features in Fassbinder’s remake of the classic Dracula movie Nosferatu (1979, orig. 1922). I was 12y old, when my home town of Delft was the filmset for this movie. It was controversial because the director wanted to release rats for one of the scenes. Eventually this scene was shot in neighbouring Schiedam. 😃 #film #movies #dracula #middleages #architecture #Netherlands https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nosferatu_the_Vampyre
#Netherlands #architecture #middleages #dracula #Movies #Film #medieval
#CallforPapers – Crisis & the Celts
International Medieval Congress at Leeds, 1–4 July 2024
Proposals sought for 20-minute papers analysing the conference theme of “Crisis” as it applies to the literatures of the #Celtic peoples during the #MiddleAges.
Submission deadline: 14 Sept 2023
#Scottish #Gaelic #Irish #Welsh #Breton #medieval #CelticStudies #Celts #literature
#literature #celts #celticstudies #medieval #breton #welsh #irish #gaelic #scottish #middleages #celtic #callforpapers
Excellent. Why do the English speak like they do? Chaucer init.
The first copies have arrived! @editionscg
#moyenage #middleages #medieval #medievalodon #history #histodon #medievodon #medievalist @histodons @medievodons
#moyenage #middleages #medieval #medievalodon #history #histodon #medievodon #medievalist
Happy #Lammastide, to all who celebrate!
[Image from the Oscott Psalter, c. 1265-1270, in the British Library, f.4v]
#mediaeval #illumination #13thcentury #harvest #middleages #history #seasons
#seasons #History #middleages #harvest #13thcentury #illumination #mediaeval #lammastide
Well here you go... Slow torture of people with the male gender is nothing new. Males have been tortured by their female gendered spouses since the middle ages.
#MiddleAges #Poison #Marriage https://ohai.social/@archaeohistories/110801312849259848
Manuscritos medievales de quitar el hipo.
#art #MiddleAges #medieval #history
#history #medieval #middleages #art
Entrance to #neolithic #tomb below #middleages #church at La Hougue Bie, #jersey #channelisland #archaeology Circa 4,000 BCE
#neolithic #tomb #middleages #church #jersey #channelisland #archaeology
One of the most insidious misconceptions about the Middle Ages is the idea that only rulers and monarchs had agency and that wheels turned because they a whim to turn them.
Why is it so insidious? Because it implicitly gives these figures undue credit for developments, achievements and change. And because the thought that those on society's top must ultimately be honored for their age's positives but excused for its negatives is frustratingly still very much alive today.
The biggest factor for me has been that, as a Society, we focus so strongly on Western European ideals. However, for many marginalized groups, that was a culture of colonialism and oppression.
I’ve had a hard time reconciling that, especially after stepping into an active DEIB role in my mundane work. How do you bring the #MiddleAges and #Renaissance into the modern era of DEIB?
I hope to see an answer now. 🤞🏻
#SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #DEIB #Diversity #Equity #Inclusion #Belonging
#middleages #renaissance #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #deib #diversity #equity #inclusion #belonging
TIL about “The Book of Roads and Kingdoms” has amazing #MiddleEast #cartography from the #MiddleAges , including discussion of a spherical Earth 🌍 👉 https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Book_of_Roads_and_Kingdoms
#MiddleEast #cartography #middleages #histodons #booksofmastodon #maps