Sebastian Vietz · @sreinsights
7 followers · 14 posts · Server

As with everything else, the objective should be BALANCE. The pendulum should remain as close to equilibrium as possible.

These days I see too much displacement to the left or right, literally and figuratively.

#balance #Equilibrium #middleground

Last updated 1 year ago

Nathan Young · @nvyoung
17 followers · 1563 posts · Server

Rise And Shine Music: Maroon 5 – Middle Ground
Welcome to the Rise And Shine Music segment! Every morning, Geek Alabama will feature a different music video to start your day! Now, enjoy a music video to begin your day!

Enjoy "Middle Ground" by Maroon 5.

#riseandshinemusicstuff #maroon5 #middleground #morningmusic #musicvideo #riseandshinemusic #startthedaymusic #sunrisemusic

Last updated 1 year ago

Jacqui · @jacqui76
143 followers · 645 posts · Server

@harriettmb @JimBliss @JohnLoader6

There is quite a bit of work to be done before that vote is called. We need a white paper from the Irish Government about the way forward. We need citizen assemblies right across the island on the way forward. We can't prepare for unity the way the UK prepared for Brexit.

Harriett, I think you will see a United Ireland. Especially if the keep proving to the , they aren't prepared to make work.

#Unionists #middleground #ni

Last updated 2 years ago

Khurram Wadee ✅ · @mkwadee
1125 followers · 11176 posts · Server

How can you capture the essence of in a photograph? I often associate it with dull but when the 's is diffusing through it, it adds some which attenuates quite smoothly into the familiar gloom. But I do also like the layering effect of the , and with objects disappearing into the .

#fog #greys #sun #light #colour #foreground #middleground #background #haze #mywork #myphoto #ccbysa #dslr #nikon #d7000 #autumn #sunset

Last updated 2 years ago