It's Friday and almost time of the weekend - and that's worth its weight in gold!
#FlashBackFriday to the first time we staged our commedia dell'arte adaptation of Plautus's "Aulularia: the Pot of Gold" in the Society for Creative Anachronism at Cleftlands Got Talent in 2010! #FBF
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#flashbackfriday #fbf #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
Caution! There are unleashed commedia dell'arte around with shows planned next month!
#ThrowBackThursday to the 2010 Geauga County Maple Festival in Chardon when we brought our "Follies of Fools" commedia skits to a Society for Creative Anachronism demo! #TBT
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#throwbackthursday #tbt #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#FlashBackFriday our second appearance at Masque de la Fou in the Shire of Eastwatch in the Society for Creative Anachronism 8 years ago with our favorite commedia dell'arte "It All Makes Sense Now!"! #FBF
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#flashbackfriday #fbf #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#FlashBackFriday our first appearnce at Masque de la Fou in the Shire of Eastwatch in the Society for Creative Anachronism 9 years ago with one of our favorite commedia dell'arte "Buckets of Ducats"! #FBF
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#flashbackfriday #fbf #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#FlashBackFriday 2016's "Follies of Fools" at Masque de la Fou in the Shire of Eastwatch in the Society for Creative Anachronism! #FBF
"Pantalone's Protégé" is a commedia dell'arte retelling of the Japanese kyōgen "Hone Kawa" which you may be able to see again in a few weeks!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#flashbackfriday #fbf #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#FlashBackFriday 3 years ago at the Barony of the Cleftlands Regular Event on February Leap Day, we taught and demonstrated two short plays based on historic Japanese comedic theatre kyōgen - as what we didn't realize at the time was our final in-person performance for a long time! #FBF
#kyogen #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #Cleftlands #MiddleKingdom #Midrealm #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#flashbackfriday #fbf #kyogen #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #comedy #farce #cleftlands #middlekingdom #midrealm #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#TBT To round out our Commedia dell'Arte Day celebrations that year, we performed two of our favorite short plays for a rather belated Barony of the Cleftlands Regular "January" Event at the end of February in 2016! #ThrowBackThursday
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #farce #Cleftlands #MiddleKingdom #Midrealm #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA #CommediaDellArteDay
#tbt #throwbackthursday #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #farce #cleftlands #middlekingdom #midrealm #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca #commediadellarteday
Celebrating Commedia dell'Arte Day 2023, don't miss the premiere of our "time-travel" commedia parody "Difficulties in Dating"! Watch TONIGHT at 6:00pm EST here:
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #masks #comedy #farce #Cleftlands #MiddleKingdom #Midrealm #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA #CommediaDellArteDay #TimeTravel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SF #parody
#commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #masks #comedy #farce #cleftlands #middlekingdom #midrealm #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca #commediadellarteday #timetravel #scifi #sciencefiction #sf #parody
Celebrating Commedia dell'Arte Day 2023, don't miss the premiere of our "time-travel" commedia parody "Difficulties in Dating"! Watch the Zoom performance on Saturday, February 25!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA #CommediaDellArteDay #TimeTravel #SciFi #ScienceFiction #SF #parody
#commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca #commediadellarteday #timetravel #scifi #sciencefiction #sf #parody
It's Commedia dell'Arte Day this month so everyday we'll highlight a character or core element!
The poplar Brighella represents the scheming, conniving, greedy, and trick first zanni servant, a conman who is often charismatic.
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #Eastwatch #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA #CommediaDellArteDay
#commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #eastwatch #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca #commediadellarteday
#FBF to our premire of Flaminio Scala's commedia dell'arte "The Lord Who Was Believed Dead" at the Cleftlands Regular Event Festival of Fools in early 2010! #FlashBackFriday
This original Capitano costume will be making a return soon!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#fbf #flashbackfriday #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#FBF to this day in 2018 with the premiere of our commedia dell'arte "The Burning Canals of Venice" inspired by and staged for the Barony of the Cleftlands 40th Anniversary! #FlashBackFriday
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #Plautus #RomanComedy #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#fbf #flashbackfriday #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #plautus #romancomedy #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#TBT to staging Flaminio Scala's "The Lady Who Was Belived Dead" at the Cleftlands Regular Event 2009, the start of our first really big year, our first historic scenario, the premiere of several core Players of the Patchwork, and the introduction of some of our favorite lazzi including "Of course! It all makes sense now!"
#ThrowBackThursday #CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #Plautus #RomanComedy #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#tbt #throwbackthursday #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #plautus #romancomedy #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#TBT 4 years ago today we started the year encoring our romantic commedia dell'arte "A Lovely Cure" for the Barony of the Cleftlands Regular Event! #ThrowBackThursday
We're working on our next commedia "Difficulties in Dating"!
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #comedy #farce #Plautus #RomanComedy #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#tbt #throwbackthursday #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #comedy #farce #plautus #romancomedy #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
Will 2023 be a fantastically lucky year for us?
#ThrowBackThursday to early January 2015 when we encored our commedia dell'arte adaptation of Plautus's "Aulularia: the Pot of Gold" for the Barony of the Cleftlands's Roman Saturnalia! #TBT
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #ImprovComedy #ImprovisedComedy #theater #theatre #ComedicTheater #masks #MaskedTheater #Plautus #RomanComedy #Cleftlands #Midrealm #MiddleKingdom #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#throwbackthursday #tbt #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #improvcomedy #improvisedcomedy #theater #theatre #comedictheater #masks #maskedtheater #plautus #romancomedy #cleftlands #midrealm #middlekingdom #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
#TBT The first weekend of 2020 we encored one of our favorite commedia dell'arte "The Hazards of Hunting Red-Caps" for Pentamere's Twelfth Night - in a rare opportunity to perform in a real theatrical stage for an Society for Creative Anachronism event that we hoped would bode well for the rest of the year! .... Whoops! 🤣 #ThrowBackThursday
#CommediaDellArte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #farce #MiddleKingdom #Midrealm #SocietyForCreativeAnachronism #SCA #MySCA #RegramMySCA
#tbt #throwbackthursday #commediadellarte #commedia #improv #improvisation #theater #theatre #farce #middlekingdom #midrealm #societyforcreativeanachronism #sca #mysca #regrammysca
Protester in #Beijing, #China, taking to the streets to #Protest, calling for #Freedom.
Protests are popping up in multiple locations around China against the #CommunistParty's #Covid #Covid19 #Lockdown policy.
The #CCP #CPC is facing protests in various cities across the #MiddleKingdom.
Video via in a tweet posted at 15.53 GMT (23.53 Beijing time).
#beijing #china #protest #freedom #communistparty #covid #COVID19 #lockdown #ccp #cpc #middlekingdom