The Westcar Papyrus, dated to the Second Intermediate Period of Egypt (1782 - c.1570 BCE), but most likely written during the Middle Kingdom (2040-1782 BCE), contains some of the most interesting tales from ancient Egypt. #Egypt #EgyptianCulture #MiddleKingdomofEgypt #History
#History #middlekingdomofegypt #egyptianculture #egypt
In 1851 CE, a woman named Amelia Bloomer in the United States shocked the establishment by announcing in her publication The Lily that she had adopted the "Turkish Dress" for daily wear and, further, provided readers with instructions to make their own. This "Turkish dress" was a pair of light-weight pants worn under a dress which dispensed with the heavy petticoats and undergarments which cons... #Egypt #EgyptianCulture #MiddleKingdomofEgypt
#middlekingdomofegypt #egyptianculture #egypt